The idea for daylight saving time was reportedly first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in , however, it did not become uniformly implemented until when the Uniform Time Act was created, according to the US Department of Transportation.
Although there were previous periods where the US followed daylight saving, including during World War II when President Roosevelt instituted year-round daylight saving called "War Time," the Uniform Time Act mandated that all states follow a time as decided under the four main time zones, and follow DST, unless the entire state agreed to be exempt.
The Uniform Time Act also meant that all states would implement the time change at the same time. In later years, the Department of Transportation hypothesised that daylight saving could positively impact violent crime rates, traffic safety, and energy conservation.
Most clocks will update the time on their own, however, certain appliance clocks may require the time to be updated manually. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Why did the U. The idea of setting clocks ahead in the spring was pitched as a way to help farmers with crops and harvesting. In reality, it was retailers who were behind the push for adjusting clocks, looking for another hour of shopping time in the afternoon and evenings.
Hawaii, too, opted out under the exemption. It's singular, no matter how people around you say the phrase. Since , daylight saving time begins on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. Previously, it had started on the last Sunday of April and ended on the last Sunday of October.
It was not started to help America's farmers out. According to timeanddate. But Germany popularized daylight saving time after it first set the clocks forward on April 30, , to save coal during World War I. Daylight saving time became a national standard in when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which was established as a way to continue to conserve energy.
The thinking was if it's light out longer, that's less time you'll need to use the lights in your house. Presently, Hawaii and Arizona are the only two U. Neither do the U. In the past four years, 19 states have passed legislation or resolutions seeking to make Daylight Saving Time the standard time in their states, if Congress takes action, according to the National Conference of State Legislators.
It would be contingent on a repeal of the federal law, and would only take effect if neighboring states went year-round, too.