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By doing so, eddy voltages can be reduced and the resistance to eddy currents can be increased which will finally result in lower core losses in the machines. Hysteresis is the inability of molecules in a ferromagnetic material to rapidly change their magnetization in accordance with the change in an applied magnetic field.
For example, if a ferromagnetic material is placed in an alternating magnetic field, the magnetization in that material will follow a path as shown below:. Hysteresis can result in energy loss in the ferromagnetic cores of electric machines. This is because the alternating current changes its direction of flow constantly and therefore the direction of the magnetic field produced by them.
This forces the molecules in the core to move to change their alignment in the proper direction. During this movement, these molecules collide with each other and cause friction and heat. The energy loss caused due to the friction of molecules in the core is known as hysteresis loss. In addition to that the magnetization of the core lags behind the magnetic field produced by the AC power. The magnetization of core typically follows the curve shown in the above picture.
Charles Steinmetz, a German-American Electrical Engineer, conducted several experiments on different ferromagnetic materials and coined an empirical formula for calculating hysteresis loss analytically.
As you see the hysteresis loss increases with an increase in frequency. It highly depends on the material of the core. Skip to content Sitemap Privacy Policy.
In order for the flux density to reach zero, the magnetizing force must be applied in the negative direction. The relationship between the magnetizing force, H, and the flux density, B, is shown on a hysteresis curve, or loop. The area of the hysteresis loop shows the energy required to complete a full cycle of magnetizing and de-magnetizing, and the area of the loop represents the energy lost during this process.
This induced EMF causes circulating currents to flow, referred to as eddy currents.