The show debuted on July 18, The show is virtually the same as Game Grumps with the exception that the Game Grumps play two-player versus games. The show shares the same time slot as Game Grumps. On June 25, , it was announced that Jon would be leaving Game Grumps in order to focus on his own show JonTron , and that Arin 's friend Danny from Ninja Sex Party would be serving as his replacement.
In October , Ghoul Grumps , a cosmetic change for Halloween, debuted. The only differences between Ghoul Grumps episodes and regular Game Grumps episodes are branding and generally the games played on the show are Halloween or scary-themed.
In December , a similar Christmas-themed Jingle Grumps debuted. Late in , Kevin was announced to be taking over the role of editor of Game Grumps from Barry. As it was April Fools' Day, they were fibbing that they canceled Game Grumps and Steam Train , in order to go back making animated videos. Ever since, they haven't done another Toon Grumps episode so far, and revealed that they lied about putting an end to their Let's Play series.
Game Grumps follows a simple format. The Game Grumps play a video game, usually a console game with occasional exceptions, and commentate over the footage. Episodes are generally about ten minutes long, but vary in length, with some episodes reaching over an hour.
Most series are recorded in chunks of seven episodes at a time, which allows them to release one series throughout the week. The videos generally only feature game play footage, with few exceptions. Some Lovelies pressured the Grumps to add a facecam, and they made fun of it on April Fools day, , by playing The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, one of Arin's most hated games ever, but with no gameplay footage at all, and only a facecam.
However, there were sounds heard from the game, and a portion of the television screen was slightly reflected through a window. On the note of playing Skyward Sword, Arin still said that they would genuinely play through it as a regular series. Not the lever! Don't pull it! Danny: The fuck is wrong with you- Arin: I'm ha- Nooooooo! Don't let loose the marmoset! Jon: Do you realize that we're basically children? Arin: Uh, every day, actually. Thanks for noticing. Jon: We are actually children Danny: There's a chance that we are incredibly large children, Arin.
And, uh[ Arin: Ah, mmm I don't know, mmm I don't see it. Dan : He looks like a child's art project that doesn't want to be alive! Jon: Okay, gimmie this—gimmie this! I'll just close my eyes and shut my mouth! Maybe the show will be better then! Jon: Well maybe that's what would be best in the first place! We can just call this Game! Jon: You don't even get a second chance in my book, you're just bad!
One of these days Arin: I have friends, I have family, and I have you, Jon. Jon: Thank you - do I not count in either of those categories? Danny: Danny is the champion of the world, and also New Jersey. Arin: [as Doc] Yeah you won, Mac!
Ross: Jared, I'm sorry about the slippery butt thing. I didn't mean to- Jared: No, no. You hurt me too much. Jon: Oh, that's right, you were just talking about the Louis C. Arin: Oh, with the pooping? Both: Yeah. That's all we should give the audience. Reddit commenter: Apparently Skittles are the fucking fountain of youth. Arin: His eyes look like vaginas. Jon: [laughs] No they don't, they look like reptiles eyes! They don't loo— well, a little bit. Arin: Tune in for the Steve Power Hour It's tomorrow at three, 'cause it sounds a little bit like Steve.
Dan: Yeah Check it out at Threeve PM. Arin: Can you believe the amount of asinine things we're saying!? Arin: If the bat face was gone I would do. But the bat face is there, so it's not. I'm white! Jon: This game is such a joy to play! Arin: [petulantly] Yeah, well, you're a joy Jon: I'm getting all the coin bags! Arin: You're a bag. A coin bag. Jon: I'm done. I'm out. It's Arin: You're 7. Jon: Thank you. That makes me feel better than I previously did. Arin: I've never seen it. Arin: It doesn't make me have seen it any moreso than I haven't.
Jon: I'm sorry I offended anybody with Down's syndrome, I am apt to do these things. Offend people. Barry, put in something else, like "Jew"! Arin: Please edit that, Barry, the only Jew of all of us! Jon: You wanna play for a while? Make sure you drink your this. Arin: Isn't it weird how he was damned to be a skyblazer because his name is Sky? It's just like "Your name is Sky," and he's like "Ugh, that means I'm going to have to fight some evil in the sky, Right?
Jon: Whoo, boy, y'know I've seen some greats in my day Arin: Shadow wasn't— um, being controlled by me. Dare I say he was in chaos. Jon: Fuck you, Arin. Arin: [giggling] I guess that was a pretty good heart attack!
Arin: Dare I say Your Price is Wrong. Jon: No you don't dare say that, you piece of shit. Arin: You beat me, Jon You're better, Jon. You're better than me at Nickelodeon Guts Arin: I just wanted to take a break from the green. Jon: Dude, I don't know of many people who say that shit in any respect. Danny: There was an entire screen dedicated to giving us this information. Arin: Yeah well, you expect me to read that shit?
Arin: Shit, I fucking love this guy, Lotad! He turns into Ludicolo with a sombrero! Arin: Dude, come on. He's a Mexican leaf-hat man! It's so awesome! Jon: It's stupid! Arin: You're stupid! Jon: How does your DNA evolve into a fucking hat?!! Dan: Well, like the rule of threes. Arin: That is a good apple. Dan: For the third time. Arin: It seemed more like he was like, " Jon: Well aren't you running the self deprecation train right now.
Jon: Look at this dang-ass game. It's legitimately in my top Arin: I hate video games! Jon: Somehow I feel like Danny: [as Kasal] Why did we name our company this? Arin: It's peanut butter, but instead of being made with peanuts, it's made out of fucking cookies.
Jon: Egoraptor? Arin: Yeah? Jon: One time I fell down Danny: Next time on Game Grumps Vanna White: Let's get ready for the next puzzle. Danny: NOO—. Jon: You know what? Have you ever read the Ten Commandments? Arin: Uh, yes, one Jon: Don't dunk your Oreos sideways Danny: [as Makar] Let me play for you a little ditty Jon: He goes "tink!
He's a tinky ass motherfucker. Arin: This bitch is tinky! I hope that's like a new fuckin', like, Wikipedia word. Arin: Heydoyoumindifsomebodycomesonourshow? Jon: NO! Frankenraptor: Hey I'm ghoul! BLEHnny: Blehhhh! Egowrapper: I wrap stuff! Dan-ta Claus: I deliver that stuff! Egoraptor: Hey I'm grump! Sonic : [To an obnoxious talking sword] I guess you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, huh? Arin: I'll kill that motherfucker.
Shoot him in his face. Jon: What did this guy ever do to us!? Literally, he just dazzled us with enchanting- Arin: Hey, hey. What did this guy ever dooter us? Danny : Oh, "Diddle Kid"? Please don't make that a character.
Dan impersonating his dad : I'm happy. I'm feeling eehhhhhhh. Arin: [numb] I can't feel anything. Why would anyone like this game? Game text: I never scurried to the Pokemon Center, protecting the exhausted and fainted Pokemon from further harm Tactical Suicide Boss : Discussed a few times by Dan such as in the Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 playthrough who would comment on that fact that some bosses literally give the player the means to kill them.
Take That! Take That, Audience! Barry's Edit: Dearest Carol, I am afraid I must refuse your most munificent gifts at this juncture in time. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
Warm regards, Arin. Arin: If he can't take it, then he shouldn't dish it out. Oh shit! Hear that, Ross? Yo, I'm reality show-backtalking you, dog! What're you gonna say now?
He'll never see this So he won't be able to rebuttal. Jon: I'll keep one grappling hook. Arin: Oh God, we don't need it though. What's it called? Jon: [dies] Ok, they've She makes everything so much fucking easier Jon: So far it seems different. This soon? This already? Jon: I'm doing really good. Arin: Yeah you are. You're really- [Crash] Arin: Okay. Protip: Don't get proud of yourself! Danny: I'm blowing it for Suzy. Arin: Dude, don't say it like that!
Jon: Man it's really hard to get it in there. Arin: Man it's a shit strategy that your best is to get hit by an attack that does the least damage. Ross: Is that some Megalovania I'm hearing?
We are in trouble, boyo! Danny: What's that, Arin, what's that? Arin: It's an island! It's looks Danny: God damn it! Why did we just have a conversation—did you just have that conversation of, like, why we love him, to get me all fucking, like, "Yeah we do love him"?
Oh, God damn it! Arin: No I know storytelling. Danny: I'm so fucking sad right now Dan: I think [we insult each other] because we love each other more, and we show love in the classic brotherly fashion of telling each other to go fuck themselves.
Why would take it from me in the middle of the— of the death swamp? Arin: Because Dan: What the fuck you talkin' about? I mean, these are song lyrics but I don't know what they are. Jon: They're like, 'Love! Love ain't even a real— Arin: It's heart. Arin: Well, you know, when life gives you lemons Jon: What, Arin? Arin: Uh, you kill yourself. Arin: [cracking up] Grabon deez nuts, dude! Arin : "What are you doing? Oh, that's the category.
Arin : [laughs] Danny : It's like, "I don't know man, I'm waiting for you! Jon: You know I took in what you said and I don't care. Arin: Glad to know I have friends like you. Arin: [as Knurtt] Yeah, I'm pumped! This adventure's gonna sta— hey, what are you doing?
Arin: OH! Danny: What happened?! Arin: I just need to lean away from you for a while. Danny: Are you kidding? I do it instinctively every time you open your mouth. Jon: "One Piece" like the anime? Arin: No, like your mom.