If we make it easy for you, he might become suspicious, and everything would be ruined. We call Ned in our indignation well, fine, my indignation , except Joe Hardy picks up. Hey, Joe! He always was my favorite Hardy brother. Nancy also asks him about Samantha Quick, and he says the name sounds familiar. You rock, Nancy. You totally rock. Okay, so, remember how Fango spent a weird amount of time playing chess on his computer? Scaramuccia, you could honestly be more subtle.
Helena screams, which is, you know, so helpful. By the way, is the Phantom wearing lipstick? The next day! Colin accuses Helena of leaving the door unlocked. She accuses him of leaving the door unlocked, and also of having a crush on Nancy, which shuts Colin up. Prudence Rutherford calls and bitches at us for getting our locket stolen like, whatever, bitch. We go to the Rialto Market to pick up the message from Scaramuccia. Then the pager beeps! Spying time! Golly, that sure looks like…Margherita!
Is she the culprit after all? Quelle horreur! Uh, yay? Of course you do. Anyway, we ask him if we can borrow his microscope and he agrees. But wait! Colin is such a freak. This little mini-game? Is really annoying. Not to mention I started to go cross-eyed after a while. The best part is? There are four of them. Who is this? Who has a pack-a-day habit, apparently. But who is Samantha? How does Joe Hardy know her? Where is the Doppler Institute? What do they do there? How did she know Nancy was impersonating her?
How the fuck does she know about Ned? This part is almost as annoying as the stupid mosaic game. Basically there are seven rooms — six side rooms and this main one here. All while avoiding the sentry bots, who move around the room and, irritatingly, manage to catch you every ten seconds.
I think Nico sounds like he might be the Phantom! Hey, you know who had a Chinese puzzle box? Anyway, we finally, finally beat Tazza. We did all the dirty work and she gets the payment. User Info: Pwester. User Info: mihaela7.
User Info: roglo Darien, sounds like maybe you are looking for the pigeon in the wrong location. How do you beat scopa? Side Quest 2 Answers Where's Colin? Main Quest 2 Answers How do u make the time pass?? Build 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. If you do this without any mistake, a Star at the end of the game might be waiting. Click the cover to see the finished mosaic.
Colin comes back and has installed the new microscope bulb. Read the microdot: Vlad is in Gstaad fro the next month so he won't show up. The Sapphire is housed in the warehouse below the Palazzo - the entrance is the barred doors in the alleyway.
You'll need an anti-thermal suit for this job. Be forewarned, he's gone straight and isn't dealing in this business any longer so you'll need to date one of the dancers since Fausto uses the old fabric for his dancers' costumes.
But I doubt that'll be any problem for you. Use the attached lock override to break the combinations for the entry to the warehouse and the sapphire container. The lock override will show you the order in which to push them in the following sequence: see picture. The warehouse is monitored by robotic sentries.
There are four power circuits you'll need to find and overload to temporarily shut the power off that feeds the alarm system protecting the sapphire. The sapphire is in the center warehouse. One Easter egg: Pick the lock of the locked room left of Colin. Get an Easter egg. Enter the Club. Dance Audition: Hear that there is a dance audition today.
If you finish this puzzle, you can earn money later by dancing for tips if you want. Read the dance instructions. Take note that each dance has a sound and a color cue. For the sound, press the sound icon to hear a sample of the cue. Click on the cat suit hanging on the wall and be on stage to audition. There are circles on top of the screen that are colored coded and have the sound icon like l-r :.
At the top of the circle is a bar. This shows the progress of the audition. The audition is successfully done when the bar reaches the right. The color cues are seen in various areas of the stage: the light bulbs and fluorescent bars on the sides of the stage and the lights on the base of the stage. Good luck and happy dancing! Congratulations, Punchy LaRue! If you want to dance for tips, click on the gold curtain at right. If you do dance for tips several times, you might win a Dancing Super Star at the end of the game.
Someone is out to get Nancy: Go back to the Ca'. Outside the Ca' see some leaves falling from above. Look up and see a vase about to hit you - back up immediately. Go to the balcony and check to see who is up there. Take the Scopa card - Valet of clubs from the edge of the balcony. This is the one missing from Fango's cabinet. Change into the anti-thermal suit. Open the wardrobe and change into: black gloves, black mask, cat's ears, black top, black pants and black boots. This can happen earlier in this day.
Try to leave the room. Answer the phone and talk to Samantha Quick. She knows all about Nancy. Who is she? Try to leave the room again. Get another phone call. It is Margherita. She will be gone and won't be back til tomorrow. Palazzo Zaterre: Go to Palazzo Zaterre. Gate to the warehouse: Go to the grilled gate at right. Look close at the lock. Insert the keycard with electronic gadget. Using the code from the microdot press the correct sequence in the keypad.
The door opens. Warehouse: Enter and see the topmost warehouse room. I used the keypad arrows here instead of the mouse. Be careful and avoid the robots. Hide in corners or just move away. Plan your path ahead of time. There are 9 rooms in the warehouse; 3 rooms in 3 rows. The corner rooms have the power circuit panels. Go to each corner room and overload the power marked by red electric symbols inside a circle. This will deactivate the 4 lasers guarding the sapphire that is located at the center room.
Power circuit at the 4 corner rooms: See 8 rods with a lever at the bottom under each rod. The aim is to lower the shutters to cover the rods. This will overload the circuit. Find the first rod that can be shut down. Then find the second by pressing the first rod lever followed by another unknown rod. Then redo the sequence again to find the third and then the fourth and so on Do this to all 4 corner power circuits.
After overloading the 4 power circuits, go to the center room and take the sapphire. Exit the warehouse. Go back to the Ca'. Change outfit to the Samantha Quick costume: blonde wig, black sunglasses, white gloves, red dress and black shoes. Hear about Nico, the Chinese Puzzle box and shaking the box. He wants Samantha to beat him in Scopa before she gets paid.
Play Scopa. He will send the payment to a Swiss bank account. Chinese Box Puzzle : Go back to the Ca'. Enter the bedroom and change outfit to daily wear. Check the note on the pillow of Nancy's bed. It's a parting letter from Colin-Justin. Look at the handwriting of this letter and the note that came with the spoiled sausages.
Exit the room and look at the Chinese Puzzle box on Colin's work table. Nancy shakes the box as overheard from the phone call of Tazza. It opens and Chinese characters are seen. Go back to the Chinese Box at the Ca'. Translate the Chinese characters. Let's try the 4 elements: Press wood, mountain, fire and water. Take the Scopa card code for the Communication points.
Check Fango's office again:. Time to sleep. Go to the bedroom and lay me down to sleep. Wake up and the alert on the PDA goes off. Go to the balcony and use the binoculars. Too late. Margherita's business with Fango: Talk to Margherita. She found a flyer in a trash here in the Ca' about wireless network. Talk to Helena about Colin. Fango's office: Go to Fango's office at Campo del Frari. Pick the lock of the door and then enter.
Music box: Check and note down the notes of the music played by the horse music box. It printed out a set of dots with notes. Ah, they look like the phone number pad. Click the number pad code on the Fax dial. Using the printed number pad code as reference, enter the notes of the music box: mi, re, do, si, la, re, re, do, la, fi, sol, do, mi, do, do, sol, sol, mi, fa, re, re, re, la, si, re, do on the number pad.
Check all the references in the automated directory and find out:. Signore Dottore is president, Capitano - communications, Arlecchino - shipping and receiving, Scaramuccia-security, Brighella - Acquisition.
Store Locations:. HQ - Argon building. Safe-Secure store - fountain at Campo Santa Formosa. Acquisition partners - Aces, Knights and Kings. Presidential Suites are in Ca' Nascosta. Propane storage is in Campo Santa Margherita. All others - check the calendar.
Presidential communications - sent by box of chocolates to Il Dottore. Acquisitions is at temporary meeting spaces; check the card delivered.
Security done by chess and follow up checked by Scaramuccia. Shipping and receiving is at the propane storage facility. Scopa cards: Check the middle file cabinet again and see that the King of coins Re di Danari is now gone. Based on the code of places, it is the Palazzo Orpello. Report where it will strike next. The GdiF will stakeout the Palazzo; Nancy should be at the stakeout also. Brush up on Italian words to understand the other operatives.
Common Italian words: Go back to the Ca'. Go to the bedroom and review the Common Italian terms. Be sure to remember all the words in the page shown below. Press the button to hear the pronunciation. Call Sophia. I am ready. Stakeout : Get instruction. Click on the place where Nico is located, not where the agents are staked out.
Click on Nico three times correctly and he will be apprehended. Sophia reports: Nico is arrested but does not admit anything. Sophia looks at the propane gas receipt Nico carried. It has written on the back. Find the secure and safe place:. Propane gas container : Go to Campo Santa Margherita and then to the alley at left. Enter and open the propane storage container. Take the key and the water well map not found in senior mode. Look close at the right side of the wall fountain.
If you do not see the fountain or door with the lock right of the fountain, it is because you have not checked all the extensions in the fax machine at Fango's office. Use the key from the propane storage bin on the padlock.
Explore the water well maze:. Enter and turn right. Study the map seen on the wall. Compare that to the water well map taken from the propane bin. So we are in 1 circle right now. Ultimately we want to go to 10 and across that to the other ladder. To do so, we need water to get a bridge up at top of diamond well.
We do this by draining the other 2 wells. From the map pull back and turn right around the corner. Turn around and see the circle water well. We want to go across based on the map. Go forward and see that the water is down. Turn left and fill this circle well by turning the wheel counterclockwise. Now cross the bridge. Now we're in 2 in the map.
Turn to the right just after crossing the floating bridge. We want to go to point 3. Drain the circle well by turning the wheel clockwise. Turn left and go down the ladder one level down. Turn around and cross the bridge. We are now in point 3. Time to empty this circle well. Turn to the right and turn the wheel clockwise to drain circle well. Turn left and go down the ramp to see triangle well. Cross the bridge. We are now point 4 at the map. Immediately turn to the right.
Turn the wheel to drain the triangle well in preparation for 8. Go up the ramp to see a drained diamond well. Turn left and fill the triangle well so we can go across. Cross the bridge and be at point 6. Turn right and drain the triangle well. Go to the ladder and go down to the next level. We are now at point 7 of the diamond well. Turn right and drain the diamond well. Go down the ramp to point 8 and see the floating bridge.
Do not cross. Turn left and drain triangle well. Go back up the ramp to diamond well. See that there is a floating bridge here caused by draining the other well. Cross the bridge and go up the ladder to point 9. Turn around and forward. Turn left and let us fill diamond well.
Go back to the ladder and climb up. We are now in point Turn around and forward to the wheel. Turn left and fill diamond well so we can get to the ultimate ladder. Ladder : Cross the bridge and see the passage on the left.
Go forward, left and climb the ladder. Safe place at last in more ways than one :. Light : Turn around from the ladder. We need light. Look close at that faint yellow thing at left. Take the flashlight.
Take the flashlight from the stand. Pull back. Take the flashlight from inventory and click it forward until the metal door. The loot: See a keypad. Use the numbers taken from the microdot of the pigeon message Hello!
Enter through the metal door.