Which merlin character are you quizilla

But if you want to find a decent story among the masses of fanfics, spam-quizzes, and cyber offers, it might take you a bit of time. Of course, a good story is always rare. See fangirls , horrible , fanfic. Quizilla Edit Meaning. What is Quizilla? See Ross 2. Quizilla has more spam than a paranoid guy's basement. All in all, Quizilla is definitely worth a visit, despite the awful downtime.

Marie: Nicolette, have you ever heard of Quizila. Nicolette: No. Marie: Well, it's awesome. Nicolette: Ok. A "quiz" site housing quizzes, However now it has become a haven for vague RPG's, Fan Fiction and porn, sometimes all three. It's also a cool way to kill time. Quizilla must be saved. See fangirl , loser , emo , sad , green day , hell , fanfiction , Merlin's Beard 7. Random Word. Random Words:. Atom Wilson. Fingers crossed.

For more, check out this interesting interview with Huston at Buzzscope. You are Rerun! Which Peanuts Character are You? Jim Roeg -- [adjective]: Extremely extreme! A kind gentleman from Blogflux sent me a link to their free button-maker some time ago and I ignored it quite happily for several months. But then, I was bored and clicking around, and all of a sudden, I was making buttons. Crazy numbers of buttons in every sort of color and design. Once I started, I found it difficult to stop.

I set a challenge for myself: to make buttons for all the links on this site. It was a fun process, rather like painting on a grain of rice, I expect. My hope was that, by the end, I would have a set of links that were easier to navigate because the colors of the buttons would remind me of the sites to which they led.

I am, unfortunately, a binge visitor rather than a regular reader. I also have a terrible memory. The switch from titles to names combined with the color coding of each button was designed to identify each site more distinctively and to embed each blog more firmly in my memory as well as in my sidebar.

On the whole, I think the new scheme is working, though with somewhat mixed results aesthetically. More talented people than I have also shared some of their own self-designed buttons with me—notably Neil from Neilalien who designed a really cool button for his own site some time ago.

Thanks Neil! And what would be the point anyway, since the links are merely supposed to be functional, not actually an index of individuals? For me, this was one of those unusual situations in which my deranged system-building impulse and fascist aesthetic sensibility were actually smashed into submission against the brick wall of common sense. I went with option A and sacrificed the cornerstone of the new regime, resulting in a blogroll made up of a messy combination of the names of individual writers and the often abbreviated titles of group blogs.

The ultimate appeal of the buttons, for me, is their orderly appearance. I love the symmetry of those two straight lines of buttons in the same way that I love reorganizing the kitchen cupboards or my filing cabinets or my list of Favorites. And there are more to come. Oh yes. Did you forget Paul Dini!!! Not only that, but I forgot that Rags!!! Is there any end to the good news?!? Oh yeah, and there's the just-announced Gail Simone Atom series Oh, and After Countdown, I really thought I was done with DC for a while, but Morrison and Simone have kept me hanging around long enough to get really interested to see what sort of stories and storytelling possibilities are in the pipeline So much to take in!

I think I'm going to have to cave and buy All-Star Superman. I love, love the super-powerful, super-smart Superman we used to have. The Byrne clunker is just boring to me, and sooooo 80's. Is no one excited about Annihilation and Civil War and Planet Hulk and the ten other Universe changing, one of a kind, internet breaking, Marvel crossovers all written by Brian Bendis??!???

Can I get a woop woop for Marvel? Anybody… Oh forget it. Heh heh--yeah. I'm pretty much just gushing about DC these days, and clearly I'm not the only one! Ever since his amazing work on Flash Scott Kolins has been a favorite of mine and I like the look of his Annihilation pages.

I also really have a fondness for "cosmic" Marvel, so if there's even a tiny chance that Annihiliation won't be a piece of shit, I'm at least going to try it out. The first Spider-Man comic I've bought in a lonnnggg time. I was surpirsed to find it quite enjoyable--the no-prize blooper about Mary Jane's magically-healing arm from "The Other," notwithstanding. I dunno. Marvel might be on the upswing creatively, which would certainly be a nice change of pace.

Oh, and gorjus - glad to hear you're caving in on All-Star Superman! I have mixed feelings about Byrne's 80s Superman run--I loved the Superman in Space story illustrated by Kerry Gammill and a couple of the new villains esp. Silver Banshee , but there was much to deride too, and that "Man of Steel" miniseries that spun out of Legends was pretty dull as I recall.

At the time, though, it was exciting to feel that all these characters were accessible again, and the current spate of revamps has me excited about the DCU in the same way that I was back then, only moreso, because this stuff is by and larger better though Perez's Wonder Woman was awesome.

Great reading of All Star Supes 2. Like you, I'm in awe of the synergy shared by Morrison and Quitely--this run is destined for legendary-status. Hey, Joe - thanks! And about Angela Carter: "The Bloody Chamber" the Bluebeard story is, in my view, the weakest story in that collection.

It has the most obvious and most hackneyed feminist moral. The later stories, though, especially the "Erl-King" and "Wolf Alice" are favorites of mine--in part because of the way that they challenge the more simplistic tropes and cliches of "The Bloody Chamber.

Plus, I like the combination of violence and eroticism in the later stories--in a purely detached and analytic sort of way, of course. I don't think Morrison is going there, though at least not in A-S Superman! It'd be fun to know if he'd read Carter, not that it matters.

As usual when I read your stuff, I have to rethink my own furshluggener opinions. Now the site is over-run with cheesey fanfics about fictional characters, and celebraties, written by wanna-be writers who're lonly and decide to share their secret fantasies with the rest of the world.

Sadly, it is now hard to find a decent story quiz, and because of the useless fangirls that have overrun the site, most of the better writers have left. Now, Quizilla isn't a bad site at all. It offers messaging, creation of your own quizzes, a confused and useless search engine, and a dedicated creator. But if you want to find a decent story among the masses of fanfics, spam-quizzes, and cyber offers, it might take you a bit of time. Of course, a good story is always rare. A website where users may create their own quizzes.

This is bad for the most part, as most of these are not quizzes at all, but redundant and pointless stories about Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho , Inu Yasha , and a variety of other things that nobody save for year-old girls with liquid shit for brains cares about.

There are also various quizzes there to remind people what high school clique they are in. Quizilla has more spam than a paranoid guy's basement.

Despite it's popular beginnings as a web site dedicated to online "quizzes" that often define personality types and what kind of characters you resemble, Quizilla formed and morphed into something similar, if not MORE popular, than fanfiction. Meaning quizzes no longer predominate , stories about celebrities and romances do.


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