Which boys do i attract quiz

Rolling Stone. Beach volleyball. Jet skiing. Science fiction. Tim McGraw. The Beatles. Cell phone. The jocks. The popular kids.

The nerds. Partied hard. I didn't go. Worked hard. I slept through most of it. Via text. Your feedback is helpful! What kind of boy do you attract? Created by: Lillikinz. Related Quizzes: What boys do you attract by dasha What kind of boys do you attract? What punishment do you deserve? Run home crying, thinking how much of a failure I am. That would never happen to me, I'm too pretty.

I'd say no problem, I was joking too. No one would have me:- or They all think I'm weird. Not many more friends with the team. Sorry about the stereotyping! You are all beautiful and worth a lot more than you think!

Thanks:- got to run. I'm worth loads! Thank you:- but I'm still ugly in my eyes. Comments 9. Change color. Angie I got ful Emo Guy I am not that dark Short and styled.

I like to try different styles. I eat whatever I want whenever I want. I try my best to eat healthy and I like to cook. I eat out a lot, I don't like to cook. I cook a lot but I also eat out a lot too. What quality do you like most in a man? How often do you want to see your man? As much as possible. Ideally everyday, but we can have our own hobbies. It's okay if he's away for work once in a while.

I'm understanding if he has to be gone for long periods of time. Where would you like to go on vacation? This man is unpredictable and always doing something fun and exciting. He likes to travel and will bring you along with him so be prepared to drop what your doing if you want to join him for a spontaneous weekend getaway.

He might have a motorcycle or a fast car. He might smoke or drink. He also might not settle down with you. But there is something about him Nice Guy.


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