Where is toc 10

Instanced dungeons and raids. Instance portal Instances by level Instance attunement Instances by continent. The Burning Crusade. Wrath of the Lich King. Mists of Pandaria. Warlords of Draenor. Upper Blackrock Spire. Return to Karazhan. Seat of the Triumvirate Antorus, the Burning Throne. Battle for Azeroth. The Eternal Palace. Ny'alotha, the Waking City. Darkmaul Citadel. Do have your pvp trinkets on if you dont have a good racial, and I would use the one with resilience on it only because resilience does slightly affect this fight The Champs do crit, and the crits and crit damage can be mitigated or eliminated by resilience or defense, and I verified this from recount.

Resilience won't affect noncrit damage, since that is limited to 'players' as in the tooltip. I was still 8 on the dps chart tho I was below gear average for the raid.

Gearscores ranged from ilevel averages I'm at something like If you dont pvp, make a custom frost spec just for this fight, seriously. I woulda really rocked in a raid dps frost build. His pet will silence people, so it has to die very early. Save the boomkin and hunter for very late, they are strangely not that effective. Warrior needs to be kept away from raid due to Bladestorm or whirlwind or whatever that is. Comment by Qieth Bonus - shapeshifted players druids and shadowpriests doesn't seem to ever get snobolds.

Here's what you need to know. What gear range should I be in? If you don't know what that means you should aim to mostly be in 10 man Ulduar gear for 10, and ulduar 25 range gear for 25 man ToC. What classes are wanted? You need at least two tanks for both 10 and 25 on normal, and if it's progression content a third tank wont hurt.

You want at least five healers, for 25, and 2 for The rest is DPS. There isn't a lot of fights where there's a clutch spec or class to have, though you do want to avoid over-staffing a given class.

Its mostly centered around the Faction Champion fight but you really want a broad range of utility. Don't bring too many people of a given spec, and don't bring too many people of a given class. How do the fights work? There are five total encounters. Clearing the instance will net you 15 badges per run.

Assuming you don't wipe the instance won't take an excess of 45 minutes to clear. First encounter: Beasts of Northrend. Beasts of Northrend is actually three sequential fights. In normal modes when you kill the fight monster the next comes in, and it's always in the order of Gordok the Impaler, Acidmaw and Dreadscale, and then Icehowl.

Gordok is a fairly straight forward tank and spank. You need two tanks since he places a stacking bleed effect on his primary threat target. Somewhere between two and three stacks the off tank needs to taunt off, and pick up tanking duties. That aside Gordok will throw snowbolds people. They're mostly an annoyance but they do deal damage and interrupt. All DPS should focus on them. That aside patches of fire also spawn, obviously you should get out of them. Its not the kind you can simply heal through.

That aside the only point of noteworthy information is that Gordok can be disarmed, and he can't put bleed effects on the tank without his weapon. The second encounter is Acidmaw and Dreadscale. Once again you need two tanks. The two Giant wurms put two DOTs on people- burning bile and paralytic toxin.

Burning Bile is a straight forward DoT- except that aside from damaging everyone around the target it also removes paralytic toxin. Paralytic toxin is non-descript other than that it eventually freezes the target. It can't be broken except by burning bile proximity. If you get the toxin its your job to find whomever has the burning bile- they're typically more involved with not killing the whole raid. Other than that the only thing that stands out is how the mobs behave- at any given time one will be rooted in place, and the other mobile.

The rooted one will do a swing attack that deals knock back- face them away from the raid. The one that is mobile needs to be kited because it drops an AoE poison similar to what Grobbulous back in Naxxaramas puts down. When one dies the other gets a small damage buff.

The third encounter is Icehowl. This is not a hard fight, and reasonably you only need one tank alive at this point to finish the encounter.

Aside from a raid-wide knock back, and a cone AoE frost attack that also stuns the only thing that makes this encounter stand out is his charge phase. Its hard to miss- he knocks everyone against the walls and stuns them. He then jumps back, targets someone, and charges at them. If he hits someone they're insta-gibbed and he gets an enrage mechanic- hunters can tranquilizing shot this. Once the three beasts are dead loot is collected on Icehowl.

Encounter Two: Lord Jiraxxas. Lord J. He's tanked in the middle. The only spell he casts is interruptable. He gets a stacking buff that can be purged you will want to do this by all purge type mechanics- shaman and warrior tanks will want to keep their head's up. The other thing he does is spawn adds- the dark ladies can basically be tanked anywhere- I prefer them hanging around melee DPS to soak up the extra AOE. Occaisonally he'll also yell "inferno!

They like to spam hellfire much like the infernals way back in Karazhan in the Prince Malchaezar encounter, except they're rather killable and they'll occaisonally ball up and charge someone.

They're also stunnable. While they're up its advisable that ranged DPS focus fire them down. When Lord J. Encounter Three: Faction Champions. The faction champions are basically the third boss in Magister's Terrace reloaded. They're miniature versions of classes from the game.

Mouse over to see who's what, and typically look for extra hints to what they're specs are. If you see a shaman dual wielding they're probably enhancement. See a druid in tree of life form? What makes this encounter hard is that the mobs don't have a strong threat table- taunts only work briefly and everything is subject to diminishing returns.

Speaking from alliance side you want to deal with the restoration druid first. The priest, and paladin If there's a restoration shaman I've never seen them have weaker heals, and they're easier to simply lock down with classes like rogues and prot warriors who can stack multiple interrupts. From there the rogues and weaker healers take priority. Classes like mages, and warlocks tend to get finished off last. If there's any encounter that'll make you wipe a lot its probably going to be this or the last boss.

Get to learn the mobs habits, and go with what works for you- this is one fight where its difficult to write a guide to. When the faction champions die their loot is collected from a chest in the middle of the room. Encounter Four: The Twin Valkyr.

When the fight starts four portals spawn- two light and two dark. Depending on who you fight you pick up the buff from the opposite portal fight white Valkyr with the dark buff, and the dark valkyr with the light buff if you DPS the mob with the same color as your buff you deal about half damage. In addition orbs start running around during the encounter- light and dark. When they hit you if the orb matches your buff it adds another, stacking buff.

If it's the opposite you take some damage. It sounds horribly complicated but stick to these rules: -The bosses cast two spells: Twin Pact and Vortex. When they cast Twin Pact only one actually casts it, and on completion it heals them.

When it's cast the Valkyr with the buff also gets a shield think of Kael'thas's encounter in Magister's Terrace that needs to get DPS'd down.

If the shield is broke via damage it can't be purged or otherwise removed then the spell can be interrupted. The way the encounter is built you NEED to have the opposite color buff of your target to kill it in time. When the bosses cast their vortex you need to match your buff to the color of the mob casting the vortex. Comment by Acosn continued from previous post When the two mobs die the loot is collected off their respective corpses.

Remember that they have their own individual loot tables. Encounter Five: Anub'Arak. Arthas shows up and shatters the floor, making you fall down to the lake below. Remember: there is no bug. If you die someone's being an ass. Anub'Arak has three phases, and aside from that has a frost based DoT he can cast on people randomly, and will also stun his primary threat target.

As you first start the encounter frozen shards float above the field. One ranged DPS should focus on killing these- when they die they leave patches of ice that prevent adds from burrowing and interrupt Anub on phase two.

Phase one: Anub'Arak is above ground. During this time adds will spawn. They need to be covered by off tanks. Needless to say ranged DPS needs to be hitting them. Remember that unless they're tanked on patches of ice a ranged DPS should be keeping an eye on this!

Note that the submerge ability has a cast time, and can be interrupted. On normal one spawns. On 25 its a pair. You'll get two spawns of these per phase.

Ideally the first is DPS'd down by ranged and tanked, while the second is tanked until phase two starts, and then killed. Phase Two: Anub'arak burrows, and during this time around the cave white scarabs start burrowing to the surface and randomly aquiring targets.

It's important to remember that they stack a rolling DOT that lasts for a minute that gives a flat damage ping that stacks as they attack. Melee should avoid DPSing these targets without the help of stuns, ect, especially tanks. Its really easy to take an extra 12k damage a second if these things chew on you too long. EDIT: Furthermore Anub'arak will target individual players and cause spikes to erupt from the ground in succession, slowly speeding up until they hit the target, or get interrupted when they hit a patch of ice.

This phase is a burn phase, but more importantly its a stupid check for your healers. The key to getting Anub dead in this is to just barely keep your DPS alive. Anub'arak's loot is collected off his corpse. When he dies Tirion Fordring gives you congratulations and gets a portal to Dalaran spawned. Comment by sherlockazulu As a resto druid, I've never had a snobold jump on me in the countless encounters we've had with Gormok.

Is this a shapeshifter thing kind of like being immune to polymorph effects? Snobolds jump on your head, I really don't have a head to speak of being a tree.

Tree joke. Not positive but I don't think our bear tank has ever got one either. Just want confirmation one way or the other. There's an advantage to having a healer in the group never being attacked by snobolds. Comment by If Tirion's thumb point upwards, you may loot. If downwards, you better prepare for the lions. Comment by yzerman Continued from above: The next fight will be the Twin Val'kyr.

This fight is as simple as it is complicated. One group gets the light buff, one gets the dark buff. You have 2 targets. Lightbane and Darkbane. If you have the dark debuff, dps Lightbane. Healers should surround the dps of the opposite color and ensure that none of the orbs of the opposite color from that group, hit that group. Here are some general things to look for in this fight: Twins Pact.

This is cast by either the light or the dark Val'kyr. One of them will bubble and begin casting Twins Pact which heals both targets for a healthy amount. The bubble falls off after a certain amount of damage is done to it, therefore ALL dps need to switch to the target with the bubble and DPS it immediatly.

Once the bubble falls off, Twins Pact needs to be interrupted. It has a fairly long cast time seconds I believe so a decently geared group shouldn't have any issue getting this done. If more then one of these twins pact's get off, you will not make the enrage timer.

The other ability these 2 have are Vortex. Either Light Vortex, or Dark Vortex. Light damages those with the dark buff, Dark damages those with the Light buff. Before this is cast you will receive a warning to switch colors.

You need to immediately stop casting and switch colors. The only ones who should not switch are the tanks. The tank who is not switching will require a substantial amount of healing, so ensure they get it. Special note for healers: The entire raid is taking damage throughout this fight. Ensure that you have HOTs on the entire raid this entire fight. This will be a mana intensive fight so if your DPS is low, use your MP5 trinkets or you will run out of mana quickly.

Druids and shamans have the potential to perform exceptionally well in this fight. Druids all I can say is regrowth and rejuv are your friends. Put them on everyone and watch your HPS soar my personal best was 6. The final challenge is our old friend Anub'arak. This fight can be frustrating without a proper tactic.

There are 3 phases to the fight: Phase 1 you will have 2 sets of adds spawn as well as Anub'arak to fight. Phase 2 Anub'arak burrows and begins chasing people with spikes that can only be stopped by permafrost that is on the ground. The spikes grow increasingly faster the longer he goes without hitting permafrost. You also have scarabs that leave a stacking debuff that need to be taken down. During Phase 1 you will have adds spawn 1 at a time in 10 man, 2 at a time in 25 man that need to be picked up by your offtank and tanked on top of permafrost.

I recommend having your ranged dps burn down the first add s and ignore the 2nd until phase 2 begins and focus all DPS on Anub until he burrows. Once Anub burrows, finish off the last add s , then finish off the scarabs. Tanks need to stay away from the scarabs and avoid being hit by them to reduce any damage they may take once Anub resurfaces. Over the course of the fight you will not have much raid damage to worry about. There is one ability that healers should watch for though.

It is called Penetrating Cold. This is often overlooked as it does not seem to do much damage but in phase 3 it can be devastating to a low HP dps'er or a tank. DK Tank tip: If you are the one stuck with the add til anub burrows, continuously chains of ice the add once you get aggro on the permafrost and get out of its range to minimize the amount of damage you take. You cant keep this up forever, but in this fight every little bit helps. Phase 3: Phase 3 is as simple as tank and spank, but again can be confusing for healers.

Healers keep your tanks at full health but do not top off the dps. The more HP your raid has combined, the more Anub gets healed. The Frost Trap has the exact same graphic as the permafrost, and it can be easily mistaken by a tank or dps trying to get an add in place, or trying to get away from anub's spikes. Stopping on top of a Frost Trap because you thought it was permafrost while being chased by Anub'arak and subsequently dying can make people rage.

Rage is bad although it is quite funny when it happens to the DK who decided to use Path Of Frost as everyone was falling into the pond below the arena wiping your raid without even engaging the boss. Well that's it for the normal version. I will start a heroic version once we down Anub this week. Comment by 10 man Hc mode. Northrend Beasts: There is a sort of Enrage timer added throughout the Northrend Beasts, if u don't manage 2 kill Gormok or the Worms Within a certent time the next Boss es will already enter the arena and need 2 be tanked.

Worms: - They are actually still the same only they got more HP and hit slightly harder. Icehowl: - Has the same ability's only with some few Tweaks. Jaraxxus: - Pretty much the same fight, only he has more HP. Faction Champions: - Taunt Abilities no longer work - They now have a PVP-trinket effect that they can use ever 50sec so get out of Movement imparings and others.

And then Zerk them down 1 by 1 1st target is the one u think is most dangerous for the setup u use We mostly start with e Priest or shammy. Twin Val'kyr: - Pretty much the same Fight only they got more HP and everything hurts more :P - U could tank them close 2 each other so Cleave effects and others deal damage 2 both of them 2 increase dps.

Anub'Arak: -As all others also have, hes HP is increased aswell. Dont let him get to hes fastes Gear :P or else he wont bumb hes head through ice and just continues. Comment by penpen Faction Champions Intros I was curious what the Horde side hears , so I went looking on Youtube and I found that the first few minutes of the videos below has them : Enjoy! Comment by shadowspa I had a pretty anoying bug,everything worked,bosses downed,only problem:Anub'arak wasnt down in his spot.

It was just a huge empty room with a few scarabs I guess he had a day off Comment by What DPS is needed for the 10man norm version of this raid? Or 25man norm? Or 10man HC? Or 25man HC? Last time I asked a question in a comment it got purged! It must be allowed to ask questions too!

So please dont rate this comment bad! Comment by Is it just me that can't see the entire loot table from Toc? And it's just not toc, other instances to shown here on wowhead. The time to strike at the heart of the Scourge is drawing close. Clouds blanket the skies of Icecrown and heroes gather beneath battle-worn banners in preparation for the coming storm.

They say that even the darkest cloud has a silver lining. It is this hope that drives the men and women of the Argent Crusade : hope that the Light will see them through these trying times, hope that good will triumph over evil, hope that a hero blessed by the Light will come forth to put an end to the Lich King 's dark reign.

See Trial of the Crusader loot. All achievements reward For those of you already afflicted with this bug in your saved raid, I'm still working on a method to correct the issue via hotfix for everyone so afflicted. Post away!

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