What type of context clue

Because most of your vocabulary is gained through reading, it is important that you be able to recognize and take advantage of context clues. Types of context clues. There are at least four kinds of context clues that are quite common. The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to help her stay awake for more than a short time. Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable laws.

Read the following sentences and define the bolded word based on the context clue. Then identify which of the four types of clues is used.

Type of Context Clue - contrast definition of vociferous - talkative; outspoken. Type of Context Clue - example definition pedagogical - having to do with teaching. Type of Context Clue - explanation definition of parsimonious - stingy; tightfisted.

Type of Context Clue - synonym definition of pertinacity - mulish; stubborn. Context clues can be used to explain a passage, paragraph, or individual statements. With the help of context clues, we can essential information about the phrases or words that are used in the content. This directly or indirectly helps the reader to understand the meaning of the paragraph. Moreover, the context clues provide insights into the specific portion of the text that is generally difficult to understand.

Sometimes even the title of a piece or the illustrations that come with it offers context clues, as well. These clues are really beneficial in learning the meaning of unfamiliar words in a unique way. Context clues are simply hints or additional information the author provides that can help you understand the meaning of a particular word or phrase.

These clues can be found in the same sentence as the vocabulary word or elsewhere in the passage, so be on the lookout whenever a new term presents itself. With reading comprehension being as important to all aspects of life as it is today, it's no wonder that language skills such as vocabulary are emphasized. You will most definitely encounter vocabulary questions in the reading sections of standardized tests, and you're going to have to employ some prowess to get you through.

Understanding how various types of context clues work can help you to understand difficult vocabulary words , even those brand new to you. A text may be chock-full of words you can't completely crack, but you shouldn't let that discourage you. Inside the passage, where all the juicy tidbits of vocabulary clues lie, you can figure challenging words out. Context clues are also helpful when you're working to determine the main idea of a passage or struggling to make inferences about meaning because unknown words can help connect the dots in incredibly useful ways.

Every author writes differently, so a number of different types of context clues can be found in reading passages. Some authors offer very little explanation for difficult words, throwing tough vocabulary into their writing wherever they can with little or no help; other authors carefully craft their passages to ensure readers follow every step of the way; most are somewhere in the middle. No matter what degree of help you're given, context clues are your friend.

Generally, a context clue can be categorized into one of four types:. A definition or restatement clue is the most straightforward "hint" you'll ever get—it defines the precise meaning of a vocabulary word in the sentence itself, usually immediately or closely following the vocabulary word. Notice how the dashes set off the definition. Here are a few examples:. In the same way, an antonym , or an opposite, can convey meaning. If you point out the differences, you can come to understand each component better.

Has a friend or family member ever asked you to just come right out with it? Instead, if you provide a bigger picture and offer added detail or context, the reader will come to understand the tricky word. Here are some examples:. Even the most esteemed intellectuals have to look up a word from time to time. In the meantime, there are a couple ways to ward off your uncertainty surrounding new words or phrases. Make it a goal to increase your vocabulary.


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