What is the difference between apes and chimpanzee

To a higher level than monkeys, apes are able to think through and solve problems in their environments. One obvious example of that is the chimpanzee — the closest ape to humans genetically — who create and use simple tools to help them access food. A bonobo walks through the jungle, tool in hand. Whilst monkeys are able to use sound and body language to communicate well with each other, apes have been observed to possess far more advanced cognitive and language skills.

Scientists have taught these species to use sign language, body movements, and even technology to communicate with humans effectively. There are no apes or monkeys or any primates at all in Australasia. Physically great apes have some common features, such as an almost naked face, no cheek pouches, and opposable thumbs that are shorter than their other fingers. There are academics who believe that chimpanzees actually develop their own cultures — unique tendencies and behaviors that are learned or imitated within certain chimpanzee groups that are in contrast to other groups.

For these reasons, there is a consensus that great apes are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet. There are a few exceptions to these general monkey vs ape rules; there are some monkeys — such as Barbary macaques — that have no tails, and there are a couple of monkey species as large as apes mandrills and baboons.

Failing all else, there are species of monkey and only six ape species. What do you think — any difference between apes and monkeys that surprised you? Or any differences we should add to this post? Peace is almost universal across bonobo communities. They have never been known to kill their own kind, and they have evolved to avoid conflict. In response to conflict, bonobos release a stress hormone that encourages social bonding for reassurance.

In contrast, when presented with the same scenario, chimps secrete testosterone, which is related to aggression. Studies of evolutionary differences between chimps and bonobos have been conducted at many PASA sanctuaries.

Lola ya Bonobo , a PASA wildlife center in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is the only sanctuary for bonobos in the world, helping to rescue, care for, and release them. Research at Lola has found that bonobos are considerate and empathetic, even to strangers. We also both play, have complex emotions and intelligence, and a very similar physical makeup. What many people may also not know, is how vital this taxonomy or the systematic classification of organisms is to Dr.

It was in fact Dr. Louis Leakey in Kenya, which lead to her initial research in Gombe, Tanzania. Leakey was trying to understand early humans, and because his only point of reference was fossilized early human remains and other preserved cultural materials, he could not completely understand what early human behavior may have been like.

When he met Jane, with her passion for and knowledge about animals, he knew she would be the perfect candidate to study chimpanzees — our closest living primate relative — from which he could conclude what behaviors were likely inherent to our most recent common ancestor and earlier humans.

Zinda fishing for termites in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. In her research, Dr. Goodall made a revolutionary discovery when she observed that the chimps in Gombe were making and using tools.

It was groundbreaking because it meant redefining everything that scientists thought they knew about what separated humans and chimpanzees! It has also lead to the revelation that other animals also make and use tools, have emotions, intelligence and sentience. Want to know more and to support our ongoing research in Gombe, now the longest running wild chimpanzee study in the world?

Become a Gombe Science Hero! Find out more and get involved here. The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.

Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference. Would be nice if this had an author, date or any other defining information. Jan 25, Geraldine Apr 27, Apr 28, We love learning new things, Geraldine. Glad you do, too! Elizabeth Feb 11, Gibbons are not monkeys, they are apes. This article is factually incorrect. Feb 13, Natalee May 24, I would have never figured out that Apes are so different from Monkeys. Ryan Oct 7, Oct 9, May 27, May 19, Calvin Paul May 17, I love monkeyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

May 22, Hi, noah! We're glad you liked this Wonder, too! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, edwin! Glad you stopped by! I like WonderOpilis May 17, Monkeys and apes are in the same family, right? May 16, Absolutely, edwin! We agree, Wonder Friend! Ariana May 16, I really liked this article thank you Wonderopolis :. Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis! Garrett May 16, Elizabeth May 16, I wonder Related Wonders for You to Explore Match its definition: something that can be used in the same manner as something else without any important differences.

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