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Install Steam. Store Page. Slime Rancher Store Page. Global Achievements. Morpheuskibbe View Profile View Posts. If so that Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments. Mine is simply a decoration. Sits right next to the Market on the ranch. Instead, turn around face away from the Slime Sea and behind you will be a cave with the Phosphor Gordo inside. The Rad Gordo Slime is radioactive, which means it can harm you with radiation. The Rad Gordo can be found inside a cave beyond where you found the Rock Gordo.
Starting where you found the first Rock Gordo in Indigo Quarry, exit the cave and pass through the area with the Puddle Slimes. Use your jetpack to clear the large gap ahead and continue through the hazardous zone to the left. Jump across the next set of pillars and wooden paths to reach a short tunnel on the other side. Go through the short tunnel to reach the next area, which has a pool of water on the right.
Instead of going up the ramp, turn left through the passage, and continue through the left cave. You'll find the Rad Gordo at the end of the tunnel. The more you feed this Gordo, the more irradiated the area will become. Keep an eye on the green radiation meter on your display as you feed the Rad Gordo. Feed it Oca Ocas to speed up the process and prevent it from releasing too much radiation.
The Teleporter lets you travel to a volcanic island called Ash Isle. Once you're at the island, pass through the cave ahead of the teleporter. Follow the spiral path leading up to several higher ledges above.
At the top, use your jetpack to hover across to the landing area. The Crystal Gordo can be seen sticking up from inside the stone ring ahead. Crystal Gordos like Odd Onions, but any veggie will do. You can find the Honey Gordo on the west edge of the Moss Blanket, located on top of a flower-covered plateau.
Enter the Moss Blanket by dropping down the hole, then head west. Go all the way to the left edge of the area, and look on your map for a patch of pink flowers near the water just before the broken wooden bridge. Jump up and use your jetpack to reach the plateau.
Feed the Honey Gordo some Mint Mangos to get it to pop quickly, otherwise any fruit will do the trick. The Honey Gordo drops a Slime Key when it explodes. From the south entrance, head north and pass through the mushroom filled area. The Hunter Gordo is sitting on top of a large mushrooom cap near a cliff. The Hunter Gordo likes to blend in and can turn invisible, so it may be a bit difficult to find at first.
From the first archway, you can look down and see the red rear of the Boom Gordo through the crack in the wall down below. Activate a switch on the platform across the gap, and then drop down beneath the archway. Go through the round doorway, then follow the wooden ramp towards the water. Jump up and to the left to reach the platform with the Boom Gordo.