The recommended schedule was created to protect infants and young children early in life, when they are most vulnerable, and before they are potentially exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases.
It usually takes weeks for a vaccine to help your baby make protective disease fighting antibodies and some vaccines might require multiple doses to provide the best protection. If you wait until your child could be exposed to serious illness, there might not be enough time for the vaccine to work. The recommended immunisation schedule is safe and based on science. Age prevalence of disease decides appropriate age of vaccination as per the standard schedule.
Vaccines are scheduled to provide immunity at the right age to your child and also to protect the people around. Unimmunised children are at high risk of infectious diseases during the time the shots are delayed. More so for young children who need protection at an early age, as diseases like H. Influenza B, Pneumococcal pneumonia and whooping cough could be life threatening at less than 2 years of life. Polio can cause permanent paralysis, measles can lead to brain damage or death, and mumps can affect hearing and cause brain damage.
Delayed vaccination in children can also put other family members at risk, especially the elderly and those with compromised immunity, chronic health conditions and infants who are too young to be vaccinated.
In order to handle the current scenario of delayed vaccination effectively, we prioritise completing the primary series of vaccination. Also, we combine vaccinations mentioned at different ages as possible so that the number of hospital visits is reduced. The parents who are not comfortable visiting the hospital for vaccination can avail for home vaccination services that are available in their city through their hospital.
Hospitals also send regular reminders to parents for the pending vaccines. I would recommend following regular precautions while visiting the hospital. Others who help your child can take precautions, such as isolating your child, so that the disease does not spread to others especially. For some diseases, one case is enough to cause concern in a community. Such as measles one of the most contagious diseases. This disease and others spread quickly among people who are not immune.
In most cases, there is no way to know beforehand if a child will get a mild or serious life-threating case. Children do not receive any known benefits from delaying vaccines or skipping vaccines.
Travelers are exposed to diseases during travel or by others that traveled and returned to the U. Even if babies receive several vaccinations in one day, vaccines contain only a tiny fraction of the antigens they encounter every day in their environment. Vaccines give your child the antibodies they need to fight off serious vaccine-preventable diseases. The recommended schedule protects infants and children by providing immunity early in life, before they come into contact with life-threatening diseases.
Children receive immunization early because they are susceptible to diseases at a young age. The consequences of these diseases can be very serious, even life-threatening, for infants and young children.
If the doctor says it is okay, your child can still get vaccinated. Children do not receive any known benefits from following schedules that delay vaccines. Infants and young children who follow immunization schedules that spread out or leave out shots are at risk of developing diseases during the time you delay their shots.
Some vaccine-preventable diseases remain common in the United States and children may be exposed to these diseases during the time they are not protected by vaccines, placing them at risk for a serious case of the disease that might cause hospitalization or death.
Young children have the highest risk of having a serious case of disease that could cause hospitalization or death. Delaying or spreading out vaccine doses leaves your child unprotected during the time when they need vaccine protection the most.
And some diseases, like Hepatitis B and whooping cough pertussis , are more serious when babies get them at a younger age. Yes, even breastfed babies need to be protected with vaccines at the recommended ages. The immune system is not fully developed at birth, which puts newborns at greater risk for infections. For example, babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of ear infections, respiratory tract infections, and diarrhea. However, breast milk does not protect children against all diseases.
Even in breastfed infants, vaccines are the most effective way to prevent many diseases. Children can catch these illnesses from any number of people or places, including from parents, brothers or sisters, visitors to their home, on playgrounds or even at the grocery store. Regardless of whether or not your baby is cared for outside the home, she comes in contact with people throughout the day, some of whom may be sick but not know it yet. If someone has a vaccine preventable disease, they may not have symptoms or the symptoms may be mild, and they can end up spreading disease to babies or young children.
Remember, many of these diseases can be especially dangerous to young children so it is safest to vaccinate your child at the recommended ages to protect her, whether or not she is in child care.
Before entering school, young children can be exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases from parents and other adults, brothers and sisters, on a plane, at child care, or even at the grocery store. Children under age 5 are especially susceptible to diseases because their immune systems have not built up the necessary defenses to fight infection. Vaccines are recommended throughout our lives to protect against serious diseases. As protection from childhood vaccines wears off, adolescents need vaccines that will extend protection.
Adolescents need protection from additional infections as well, before the risk of exposure increases. CDC recommends all children receive vaccines according to the recommended immunization schedule to protect them from 14 diseases by age two.
Getting every recommended dose of each vaccine provides your child with the best protection possible. Depending on the vaccine, your child will need more than one dose to build high enough immunity to prevent disease or to boost immunity that fades over time. Your child may also receive more than one dose to make sure they are protected if they did not get immunity from a first dose, or to protect them against germs that change over time, like flu.
Every dose is important because each protects against infectious diseases that can be especially serious for infants and very young children. Combination vaccines protect your child against more than one disease with a single shot.
They reduce the number of shots and office visits your child would need, which not only saves you time and money, but also is easier on your child. Vaccines contain ingredients that cause the body to develop immunity. Vaccines also contain very small amounts of other ingredients.