A chemical analysis of the two will look very similar. This leaves many people wondering why you should buy a sensitive toothpaste. In this case, the differences are small but can make a big difference in how the toothpaste helps you manage your dental health. By changing a few ingredients, or their portion sizes, a sensitive toothpaste can give you the relief that you need under the right conditions.
The key difference between regular and sensitive toothpaste is that sensitive toothpaste has additives that help desensitize or protect the sensitive parts of your teeth. Dentin is the layer under the enamel of your teeth. As the enamel wears away, it exposes the dentin, which is sensitive to touch and temperatures. A sensitive toothpaste has more potassium nitrate in it to restore the enamel by filling it in over time.
That way, it will rebuild the protective layer of your teeth so that the dentin is not exposed. Sensitive toothpaste can help when you have holes in the enamel of your teeth. Since this exposes the sensitive dentin underneath, sensitive toothpaste can rebuild that layer to protect the dentin. Painful stings from a sip of a cold beverage can be a thing of the past. Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, using a soft-bristled toothbrush - and remember always to be gentle!
Making these small changes to your oral care could have you pain-free in weeks. This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics.
It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Shop Now. Our Mission. Contact Us. United States US English. Submit an Idea. Brand Logo. All rights reserved. Terms Of Use. Dental Associates can help in a variety of ways from prescribing a sensitive teeth toothpaste or treating the sensitivity at the root of the problem.
Call today to schedule a consultation with Dental Associates in Farmington, Connecticut. Call our office today to schedule your appointment! There are a few different ingredients that are used in sensitive teeth toothpastes, such as: Potassium nitrate Stannous fluoride Strontium chloride These ingredients, when the toothpaste is used regularly over time, will help the nerves in your teeth build up a resistance to aggravators like cold, heat, and sugar.
Potassium nitrate: 1. This active ingredient is the safest of those commonly found in sensitive teeth toothpaste. Stannous fluoride: 2. Strontium chloride: 3. This ingredient received the worst safety rating.
Although a 3 out of 10 is still relatively low, it has been banned by the Japanese government for use in cosmetics, which is a bit of a red flag. Fluoride Treatments. If your teeth are becoming too sensitive, particularly as a result of desensitizing toothpaste not working, consult a dentist. You should see a dentist as soon as possible if you experience swelling and extreme pain.
Tozzi says these symptoms may mean that you may have an infected nerve or tooth. The right desensitizing toothpaste can help minimize your tooth sensitivity. This will reduce pain and improve your quality of life. Key ingredients in desensitizing toothpaste include potassium nitrate and fluorides. Consult your dentist if your sensitivity worsens, even after using a desensitizing toothpaste.
You should also visit your dentist if you experience pain, fever, or bleeding or notice swelling, as this could be an indication of something more serious. There are many ways you can treat your sensitive teeth at home before having to visit a dentist.
Learn about 8 home remedies for reducing tooth…. Teeth hurt for a lot of reasons.