I can't log on without getting deranked, vulgar messages across the status bar on the bottom, etc. Infinity Ward should be policing the lobbies looking for exploiters and banning them.
It may be a Sony glitch although the hacked files are related to MW2's game data , but Infinity Ward can at least patrol their own games. Now all my challenges, perks, guns and kill streaks are gone? And my KD is like 10 million to one now? You should at least be able to restore my account to where it was. What's up with that? However, the number of legitimate players severely outweighs the bad apples. Looking to the future, Bowling promised gamers that Infinity Ward will not rely on platform holders to stop hackers from ruining its future projects.
In the future we plan to adjust our approach to not rely solely on platform security and reduce the ability for this to happen in our games, as has already been displayed by the work Treyarch has done on Call of Duty: Black Ops to prevent similar measures. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission.
Read our policy. Jump to comments Editor wyp Wesley is Eurogamer's editor. He likes news, interviews, and more news. He also likes Street Fighter more than anyone can get him to shut up about it. Any working host tools in ? Started by INw3nToR , Started by aylma0 , Started by hamad12a , Last Jump to page:. Forum Information and Options.
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Store Page. This topic has been locked. Vertigo View Profile View Posts. Not gonna bore you all with a song and dance about this but I'll get to the point. I was playing MW2 Multiplayer for an hour or so this evening, and when I quit the game my Google Chrome browser was completely filled with tabs of explicit content. Is it possible that a malicious server host or anyone within MW2 Multiplayer did this?
I'll keep looking into the issue, just wanted to know whether this was possible. Many thanks. Showing 1 - 15 of comments. Redshadow View Profile View Posts.