How long yahoo messenger idle

If you accept, you Loading yahoo messenger and am getting cannot load resource DLL. When creating software, there are usually two major phases before software is released.

The Alpha phase What does idle mean on yahoo messenger? What can I do when yahoo messenger says my PC is not audio compatible? What's wrong with my Yahoo! What does "connected to" mean on yahoo messenger? What is wrong with my Yahoo Messenger 10? Best solution What does "idle status" mean on Yahoo! Answer: "Idle" means that the person has not been using messenger for a long time or have not ype Other solutions What does "idle" mean on yahoo!

Answer: There is no activity while you are on Yahoo Messenger, i. As a Yahoo! Messenger user in Windows 7 if you want to configure this you are required to follow the steps given below:. Logon to Windows 7 computer and provide appropriate credentials in Yahoo! Messenger interface to logon to the application. Laurel Storm has been writing since , and helping people with technology for far longer than that. Some of her articles have been published in "Messaggero dei Ragazzi", an Italian magazine for teenagers.

She holds a Master of Arts in writing for television and new media from the University of Turin. Home Email.

Time Limit A Yahoo account is automatically declared inactive and deactivated after a minimum of six months have passed since the last time the account owner logged in. I go through this same explanation when I make a new friend and talk to them online, and I've had very few problems with people understanding this when I explain it as above. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Setting MSN or Yahoo! Messenger status to Invisible or Offline when idle for an hour Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. Active 7 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 2k times. Back story As a software developer, I am very used to turning the computer on for the whole day and not turning it back off. Improve this question.

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