How do clan castles work

Limited space, more info here: More Info Here. Super minions comp for th13 is not exact. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Contact us Privacy Policy Terms of Service. Close Search for: Search. This setup is becoming more and more meta for Legend League with the freezing effect paired with the Hound working really well. But not that great for war. Looking for a solid base design that work well with these cc setups? Check out the latest Town Hall 14 bases here.

Currently the strongest setup you can run. Super Minions get weaker in the current meta as more people can defend and counter them quite well and expect them. Yes, a very classical and hitpoint-heavy setup. Inferno Dragons lost a lot potential recently and especially when expected they are super easy to counter and reset. Surprise can be on their side in trophy leagues but not useful for war.

Check out the latest Town Hall 13 bases here. Super Minions still dominate TH12, espcially in war as countering is not that easy and lacking the 5 housing space compared to TH13 makes them still your best option. For me the best combination to use right now with a lot of trouble for the attacker. The hound keeps troops busy and can really mess with the Queen while the Archers distract on top of that.

Optionally use a Head Hunter to put more pressure on the attacking heroes. This cc setup is catching up recently with the regular Dragon offering more tanking than the Baby Dragon. Super strong composition. Attacker has to deal withHound while Head Hunter go after heroes. Check out the latest Town Hall 12 bases here. For me the most versatile home village cc setup for defending.

You have the Baby Dragon that will get enraged and deal good damage while the Witch summons her Skeletons and the additional Archers will create more mess. Especially hard to deal with without Poison Spell. Also a versatile cc setup with 2 Valkyries instead of the Witches.

Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems. Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.

Tapping this icon switches the Skeleton Trap attack mode to attack air units. This icon is only displayed while the Skeleton Trap is in Ground mode. Tapping this icon switches the Skeleton Trap attack mode to attack ground units. This icon is only displayed while the Skeleton Trap is in Air mode. Tapping this icon re-arms the Clan Castle. This icon is only displayed after your Clan Castle has been triggered during an enemy attack. Tapping this icon re-arms all Traps. This icon is only displayed when one or more of your Traps have been triggered in a previous enemy attack.

Tapping this icon reloads all X-Bows with Elixir. This icon only appears if one or more X-Bows is not fully loaded. This icon informs you that all X-Bows are fully loaded. It is not tappable, and replaces the Load icon.

Tapping this icon switches the X-Bow attack mode to attack both ground and air units. This icon is only displayed while the X-Bow is in Ground mode. Tapping this icon switches the X-Bow attack mode to attack ground units only. This icon is only displayed while the X-Bow is in Air and Ground mode. Tapping this icon reloads all Inferno Towers with Dark Elixir.

This icon only appears if one or more Inferno Towers is not fully loaded. This icon informs you that all Inferno Towers are fully loaded. Tapping this icon switches the Inferno Tower attack mode to attack a single enemy. This request shows up on the clan chat and must be completed by clanmates. Players receive experience points for donations on requested on the clan chat. You get 1 point to each housing space donated. For example, a Golem will reward you with 30 experience points.

Spells will give you 5 experience points and Siege Machines The donation limit is based on the level of your Clan Perks. Once you reach clan level 8 you can donate up to 8 troops. Once you reach Clan level 3 you will also get a partial refund of the resources spend training the donations. Upgrading the Clan Castle increases its housing spaces, adding 5 units on each new level. Starting on level 4 you can request spells on level 6 you can request Siege Machines.

During the upgrade you can use the Clan Castle without any issues. You can request troops, use on attack and defenses and collect resources from the Treasury. Clan Castle is a very important building to defend your village.

Housing up to 45 housing space units, they will leave the Clan Castle to defend your village upon attack. The Clan Castle has a range 12 tiles. Once an enemy troop gets inside this radius the donated troops will leave the Clan Castle and fight them, just as your Heroes. For this reason it is very important to place your Clan Castle near the center of your village.


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