However, after talking to Arthur, Nathan came to a shocking conclusion, and joined his father. Egged on by Tracy, he agreed to be the public face of Arthur's scheme. Even when a newly super-powered Peter saved Nathan from the burning lab, he was still unrepentant and, as Volume 3 drew to a close, it looked like the warring Petrelli brothers' relationship was broken for good.
At the start of Volume 4, Nathan had the power of the President behind him, and set to work in capturing all the heroes, including his family. He hired Danko to head up the project, but faced a constant power struggle - Nathan wanted to round up the heroes, whereas Danko wanted to exterminate them. Danko eventually outed Nathan's ability and took over the operation. Nathan and Peter overcame their differences and teamed up to kill Sylar, but Sylar separated the brothers and murdered Nathan instead.
After Sylar's capture, he was manipulated by Matt into taking over Nathan's memories, form and life. Nathan, unaware that he was inhabiting Sylar's body, felt like he was starting anew. When Sylar's powers started to re-emerge, Nathan freaked out despite Angela's assurances. Angela gave him a box of his previous belongings, hoping to trigger past memories. It worked - but he remembered the accidental death of an old girlfriend that his mother had covered up. His power, according to Angela Petrelli , was synthetic, and created by the same formula that gave abilities to Niki , Tracy , and Barbara Angels and Monsters.
He was capable of carrying people with him over long distances as shown when he flew with Peter to Haiti, Matt to Philadelphia and Texas, and Claire to Mexico. Prior to Heroes Reborn starting, an app was released with a video summary of Nathan's history. The summary included:. I mean, if you take them away, nothing means anything.
Pap always made the hard choices for the greater good; he believed in that. And so do I. Our children deserve that. They deserve a better future, a future where they do not have to face their fears alone, but can look into the darkness and find hope.
I challenge everyone inhere to inspire by example, to fight the battle, no matter the cost. Because the world is sick, it's spinning out of control. But we can help. With our help it can heal. With our love, with our compassion and with our strength we can heal. Let's put aside our differences, let's embrace our common goals. Let's do it for our children. Let's show them all exactly what we are capable of.
It's a message of hope and urgency, because he's not gonna wait much longer. His message is a simple one -- We're all connected. Our hopes, our dreams, our children's future, reflecting back in each others eyes. We fight our own personal battles, but we know we're not alone. Because only together can we make our short time on this planet mean something.
Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny. And we hold in our collective hearts one noble goal -- Save ourselves, save the world. You tell Mom I love her. You take care of Claire. Fight the good fight. You've always been everything that's good in the world, Pete. Please refer to Theory:Nathan Petrelli for fan-created theories and other speculation. This wiki is a XML full dump clone of "Heroes Wiki" , the main wiki about the Heroes saga that has been shut down permanently since June 1, The purpose of this wiki is to keep online an exhaustive and accurate database about the franchise.
Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Flight synthetic. Mansion in Hyde Park, NY. Congressman , former district attorney, former U. Navy officer served as a pilot. Angela Petrelli , Arthur Petrelli deceased. Paternal grandparent: Mrs. Petrelli Maternal grandparents: Mr. Shaw deceased , Mrs. Shaw deceased. Tommy Clark , Malina. This section is a stub.
They go to Peter's apartment, where Peter is preparing to leave town. Without fully hearing them out, Peter says he doesn't have time to be Mohinder's "guinea pig".
Peter then tricks the two and gets away. At the end of the episode "Distractions", Nathan receives a telephone call from Meredith Gordon, a woman in Texas with whom he once had a relationship. She tells him their daughter, Claire, is alive. Stunned, Nathan reveals he believed Meredith and their daughter perished in the fire, having gone to their funeral 14 years earlier, but Meredith explains how after the fire, she ran.
Nathan asks about their daughter and Meredith tells him she was adopted and describes her as beautiful and smart, pointedly wondering if Claire will run for Congress someday. In "Run! She explains Nathan will become too emotionally attached to his daughter and, when the press finds out about her, it will cause scandal so close before the election.
She advises him to simply wire the money. Against her wishes, Nathan goes to Texas anyway. He arrives at Meredith's and delivers the money himself. They talk about their past, where Nathan apologizes for missing all this time with Meredith and their daughter. He asks after Claire and where she is.
Meredith explains she just sent her home, showing Nathan a photo of Claire. Nathan becomes emotional upon seeing Claire's photo but, despite wanting to meet his daughter, decides against it. Crushed, Claire was secretly listening to the conversation which, due to lies Meredith told her, did not portray Nathan in a very positive light. Nathan leaves, visibly upset. At the end of the episode, back in Vegas, Jessica gets a call from Linderman saying that he wants Nathan assassinated.
The FBI, who is investigating Linderman, gives Nathan a wiretap to wear so that they can gather evidence. He also helps Hiro sneak into Linderman's casino hotel to steal the sword he needs. Just before Nathan goes to meet Linderman, Niki Sanders confronts him and tells him that Linderman's people know of his plans, including that he wears a wire, and plan to kill him.
She advises him to either accept a deal with Linderman or run with his whole family. Nathan refuses, suggesting instead that he should kill Linderman. Niki gives him her gun and tells him to knock her out, to prevent her more ruthless alter-ego, Jessica, from seizing control. Nathan takes the gun and punches Niki. A nervous Nathan goes down to the kitchen to shoot Linderman. Linderman, anticipating Nathan's actions, calmly reasons that if Nathan were to shoot him, his men would kill Nathan within moments.
Linderman then tells Nathan that he can give him answers, stating that he knows about his abilities, about Peter, and his daughter. He offers him the seat in Congress, suggesting that it will lead eventually to the White House, "a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Linderman tempts Nathan with the prospect of being President and informs him that it will happen the day after Peter blows up. While Nathan is troubled that he will lose his brother and is devastated when he sees the dead body of Peter at his mother's house, he believes that it is Peter's destiny to explode.
Later, Nathan meets his daughter, Claire, and reveals he wants to be there for her as a father. However, Nathan realizes he must send Claire to Paris for one week because of his upcoming election and to keep Claire away from the impending explosion, all set to happen in that week.
Nathan tells Claire he needs her to go to Paris with his mother Angela for one week. Though disappointed, Claire understands and accepts this. Nathan reassures Claire that it is only for one week and adds that he wants her to return so they can be a family.
The next day, Claire prepares to go to Paris with Angela until after the explosion because Nathan can keep her safe there, that this is what Noah would have wanted, but Peter convinces Claire to stay when he shows her his drawing of Ted that he drew during his premonition of the future. Claire recognizes Ted as the one who blew up her house. Claire and Peter tell Nathan about Ted. With someone else having the ability to explode, Peter is hopeful that he isn't the bomb and that the explosion can be stopped.
Nathan is doubtful and points out that Peter dreamed that he himself blew up New York City. Peter responds that he also had a vision of himself flying when it turned out to be Nathan who could fly - a fact that impresses Claire.
Before Peter and Claire leave his office, Nathan tells his daughter that she's been through a lot and he is proud of her. Once alone, Nathan makes a phone call, saying, "Mr. Linderman, we have a problem. It is revealed that Nathan may play a bigger role in the company than expected when Peter and Claire go to Petrelli Campaign Headquarters to meet with Nathan.
Upon arriving, they see Nathan meeting with Thompson, whom Claire recognizes as her adoptive father's old boss. She identifies him to Peter as the man she is running from. Thompson and Nathan, meanwhile, discuss the planned explosion, and Thompson tells Nathan not to worry or have second thoughts. Thompson tells Nathan that Mr. Linderman has a grasp on the situation and that they are aware of who Sprague is.
Nathan is upset that he was kept in the dark about Sprague. Later, Nathan's mother arrives and reveals her part in the planning of the explosion in New York. She tells Nathan that after a catastrophe like this, a leader is needed, and tells him that he needs to be that leader.
Nathan encounters Hiro again and Hiro tells him what happens to him in the future. Nathan, however, tells Hiro that the explosion cannot be stopped. Hiro then calls him a villain as Nathan waves to the cameras and drives away.
Later, in "Landslide", Linderman delivers on his promise and, with Micah Sanders' help, assures Nathan's win as Congressman by a majority of votes. At the same time, Linderman uses his healing powers to restore Heidi's legs as a gift to even further keep Nathan on his side.
In the season finale, "How to Stop an Exploding Man", Nathan appears committed to the fact that his brother Peter will explode, destroy the city, and kill millions; paving his way to power and the destiny designed by Linderman and others. However, it is his daughter, Claire, who convinces Nathan to change his mind when she tells him, "The future isn't written in stone. After Peter and Hiro defeat Sylar and a crying Claire pleads with Peter that there must be another way to stop the explosion because she can't bring herself to shoot him, Nathan appears before his daughter and comforts her that there is another way.
He looks to Peter and tells his brother they both know it, vowing to help him, but Peter responds he can't let Nathan die and Nathan, looking back at his heartbroken daughter, explains he can't let everyone else die. After telling Peter, "You saved the cheerleader so we could save the world," Nathan grabs his brother and flies far into the stratosphere. Crying, Claire looks on with the other heroes up at the sky after her father and uncle fly off as Peter detonates miles above the ground, instead of destroying New York City.
In "Four Months Ago Peter rescues Nathan from falling after his explosion. After regaining consciousness, his mother told him that the coast guard never found Peter's body. He recovered after being injected with Adam Monroe's regenerative blood. In "Four Months Later In the opening scenes, he is seen bumping into Ando Masahashi on the street.
He has presumably resigned from his office, and his wife and sons have left him due to his erratic behavior. After a confrontation with his mother, who blames Nathan for Peter's apparent death, he goes to a bar for a drink. His daughter, Claire, calls him to tell him how she is coping and that she understands, and Nathan glances in the mirror. Nathan confronts Danko but he shows no remorse over the kill.
Danko makes it look like Matt was a terriost by strapping a bomb to his chest and Nathan saves him. Then Danko finally discovers Nathan's secret after shoving him out a window and takes full control of the operation after he escapes. He saves Claire and flies to Mexico to hide for now, vowing to fix the problem he created. He goes to Coyote Sands to learn about Angela's past and sees Sylar disguised as himself on the TV wanting a meeting with the President.
Nathan confronts Sylar at his office and then Danko tasers him down before Sylar could kill him. Peter finds him and both of them teamed up to fight Sylar together. Nathan reveals his ability to Homeland Security to convince them that they're the only ones who can end this.
Sylar attacks them with electricity and flies off with Nathan. Then Sylar slits Nathan's throat and kills him. Soon after, Matt transplants Nathan's memories into Sylar, making him believe that he is Nathan himself. He had the ability to fly at supersonic speeds. He can also carry people long distances with ease like Peter, Matt, Claire, and Tracy. His ability wasn't natural and was given through a formula by Dr. Zimmerman on the orders of his parents.
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