Can you be 5 foot 12

In the United States, one meaning is a unit of measurement equal to 12 inches, or. We use feet to measure height, length and short distances. For the unit of measurement, we often use the singular form even when we are talking about more than one foot. This can make things confusing for learners.

Notice that both foot and foot come before the noun and there is a hyphen between the words. A hyphen is needed when a unit of measurement acts as an adjective. Do you have a question for Ask a Teacher?

Write to us in the Comments area and be sure to list your country. Load more comments. Can I still grow after puberty? How Tall Will I Be? How tall will I be? The second important part is the timing of puberty. If you are worried that you are growing too quickly or too slowly you can talk to your doctor.

A few questions we are frequently asked: How Tall Will I be? The general information provided on the Website is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. Do NOT use this Website for medical emergencies. If you have a medical emergency, call a physician or qualified healthcare provider, or CALL immediately. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-treatment based on anything you have seen or read on this Website. Always seek the advice of your physician or other licensed and qualified health provider in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Website and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else.

On average, Dutch women are around 5 feet, 6 inches tall, and Dutch men average nearly 6 feet in height. Conversely, in places such as the Philippines, the average woman is just under 5 feet tall, while the average height for a male is around 5 feet, 4 inches. Knowing your current height is also helpful when it comes to some health screening tools, such as your body mass index BMI.

Having an accurate measurement is helpful in other ways too, such as buying clothes online or filling out forms that want to know your height in inches or centimeters. Many people are unhappy with their height and wonder if there's anything they can do. Read on to learn whether it is really possible to increase your…. The average American man is about 5 foot 9 inches. Curious about how long it takes him to reach that height?

Find out when boys stop growing here…. For some time, growing teens were warned that drinking coffee would stunt their growth. This article takes an evidence-based look at whether coffee….

Girls grow at a fairly quick pace throughout infancy and into childhood. We reveal when girls stop growing, the…. If you're a parent of a child under age 18, you might be wondering if the strength training workouts your child is doing at the gym or as part of a…. Learn the ins and outs of MRI vs. X-ray imaging tests, including the pros and cons of each test, how they compare to CT scans, how much they cost, and….

Paracentesis is a procedure to remove excess fluid from the abdominal cavity. This fluid buildup is called ascites.


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