Make sure you also feel comfortable resuming regular hosting duties whenever necessary. Restaurants are unpredictable environments. Hosts and hostesses must be able to problem-solve to deal with changing shifts and customers with different requests. The ability to think quickly and creatively to solve problems will help you remain a successful host or hostess. Since hosting is a customer service job, it is especially helpful to be detail-oriented.
Customers in a restaurant will always enjoy a more positive experience, and noticing small details within restaurant parties will help you maintain a good reputation. You will need to work with numbers as a host or hostess. You will likely count people, tables and seats. You will also need to calculate wait times. You may need to coordinate your schedules with coworkers and calculate the number of hours you need to work during a given week or month. All of these duties necessitate basic math skills.
Sometimes, you might also work a cash register. In this case, being able to quickly and accurately count money will serve as a beneficial skill. Hosts and hostesses work in a variety of different restaurants. These environments often share the following characteristics:. Some people become hosts or hostesses because they love the flexibility and fast-paced nature of the job. Others want to get their start in the restaurant business or make a little extra money in addition to their full-time employment.
Whatever your reason for considering this job, many in this career follow these steps:. Attain your high school diploma or acquire your GED. Prepare a resume and cover letter to use on your job search. Make sure to include your highest level of education, past work experience, volunteer experience and leadership experience. You can do this online and in person. Some restaurants will put out signs when they are taking applications.
Add your hostess job duties to our hostess job description example to create a job listing and start attracting top talent today. When you advertise a hostess job, you should provide applicants with details about the job at your business. Feel free to edit any section of our restaurant hostess job description sample to get a job listing that meets the needs of your business.
Customize the hostess duties and responsibilities to help candidates better understand your expectations. A host or hostess is responsible for greeting customers at a restaurant with a smile, welcoming them into the establishment, seating them, and providing them with a menu. They are the organizer, the herder, and the first and last impression of the restaurant. Keeping the restaurant orderly, making sure the customers are content, and keeping track of what's going on at each table are just some of the ways a host or hostess helps to keep a restaurant and its guests happy.
A host or hostess represents the service and overall hospitality of the staff of the restaurant. Hosting or hostessing is a honed craft; if the host or hostess knows how to make people feel like they genuinely care for them, he or she can become a restaurant's biggest asset in no time. While guests are waiting to be seated or waiting for take-out orders to be ready, it is the job of the host or hostess to make sure that the guests are made comfortable and kept informed of the status of their orders or wait times.
If the restaurant is very busy, it is the duty of the host or hostess to explain to impatient customers that they're doing everything they can to accommodate them. They can offer conversation or a free drink at the bar while they wait. It is important for a host or hostess to keep an eye on what is going on in the kitchen, in each of the servers' stations, and at the bar, and to be aware of how their actions can potentially affect all of these areas.
Hosts or hostesses need to look and act polished, friendly and calm, not bossy, loud, vulgar, or bored. The host or hostess will often dress a bit differently than the rest of the wait staff to make sure he or she is easily recognizable should a guest need any services.