Who is laleh bakhtiar

Bakhtiar's adaptation barely "scratches the surface" of the rich intellectual tradition of Islamic law, Professor Reinhart points out that the adaptation can serve as a "Reader's Digest" of Islamic law that will be of some use to those who have a need to compare and contrast the views of the five major schools on particular practical points of law. For example, if one needs to know whether the presence of witnesses is a necessary precondition for a valid Islamic marriage contract, the book at Section Similarly, in the law of worship, the book nicely summarizes the points of consensus and the fine points of difference among the Schools of Law concerning the times of prayer and the obligatory aspects of the prayer, including the recitation of the Qur'an, bending forward, prostration, and the sending of greetings.

In many other instances, the book gives pithy and succinct comparative descriptions of the law that will put the reader on the right track in developing a better understanding of the fiqh and the differences among the schools of law. Although poorly documented, Dr. Bakhtiar's adaptation is a short workmanlike comparative abridgement or "Reader's Digest" of the central issues in the fiqh.

Within that limited sphere it is a useful addition to the English language literature on Islamic law. See also Laleh Bakhtiar, History of Islam forthcoming Copyright c by H-Net, all rights reserved.

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H-Law, H-Net Reviews. March, For any other proposed use, contact the Reviews editorial staff at hbooks mail. Job Guide. Discussion Networks. Reviews Home. Subscribe to H-Review. Review Guidelines. Review Standards. Reviews Planning Committee. Search The review you are about to read comes to you courtesy of H-Net -- its reviewers, review editors, and publishing staff. She would have dinner for the few Persians there at that time.

On Saturday night of that weekend we went to their house. Seyyed Hossein Nasr asked me: What religion do you practice?

I said: I grew up as a Christian. He said: Your father is a Muslim, therefore, people will expect you to be a Muslim. He said: Well, learn. As a result, I have fallen in love with it. In this way, I developed a deep love of God. In other words, instead of beginning with what God has asked me to do daily prayers, fasting, etc.

By first giving up what God has asked me to give up, I grew closer to God. I actually fall in love with God so that religion became my whole being, my whole personality and my whole reason for living. The University of Chicago wanted to give the Shah a gift once the center was built. They contacted Seyyed Hossein Nasr and said that they wanted an architect to write a book on Persian architecture, not from the point of view of history, but from the point of view of a creative person looking at Persian architecture.

Nasr had come back to Iran and he was teaching courses on Erfan Islamic mysticism at the University of Tehran. I attended these classes and learned about Erfan and Persian culture. The classes also included learning about the great Islamic scholars of the past, scholars such as Al-Ghazali [one of the most prominent and influential Persian philosophers, theologians, jurists, and mystics of Sunni Islam who is buried in Toos] as well as Avicenna [a Persian polymath] among so many others.

I had suddenly become a writer, something I had never thought about before.. As we say: We have our plan and God has His! So I became a writer and a translator. I was introduced to the oldest Muslim publisher in North America founded in , Kazi Publications, an independent Muslim publisher in Chicago that publishes books on Shism and Sufism. They had book distribution, but they did not have book production.

They hired me, as writing and book production was my specialty. I wrote the book. A very famous American professor had written a foreword to the book and it had been reviewed. It was finished and ready to go to the printers. One day I looked at the book and said to myself: How can I write the life of the prophet without the whole of the Quran in his life story?

I found many problems with them. So you go down to the footnotes and start reading them forgetting what the Quran had said. I felt there needed to be a translation without any parenthesis and without any extra indications or footnotes, etc.

None of the translations had that. As I had translated books before, I knew that when I start from the beginning and I go to the end, in the middle I forget what translation I used for a particular word, so I would continue to add synonyms.

This makes it more difficult for a person to learn the meaning of an Arabic word. As I had studied educational psychology where you learn about testing, consistency, and reliability. I wanted to make sure that if the context allows, I use the same English word in translation. It should be the same if the context allows. I called a Muslim convert friend of mine who lives in Arizona and whose father had been a minister.

They began with the words and not the sentences. I say: I have a computer. The Concordance of the Sublime Quran serves the need of those who do not know the Arabic language but want to understand the Quran.

This work is a translation and transliteration of the Arabic Concordance known as al-Mujim al-mufahris. This all-English work shows the semantic structure of the Arabic vocabulary in order to arrive at the multiple meanings of Arabic three and four-letter roots and their derivatives.

Divided into three parts, Part 1: Contents lists the transliterated Arabic derivatives of all verbs, nouns and some particles in the Quran. Part 2: Text lists the transliterated derivatives, their grammatical structure and English translation followed by the verses in which the word appears in The Sublime Quran.

So, when the original was thee or thou, I put the pronoun in bold so the reader knows that the original was singular. I found several verses in the Quran where a distinction has to be made between a third person plural pronoun being masculine or feminine. For example verse al-Nur, on forcing women into prostitution. It says: Compel not your spiritual warriors fatat against their will to prostitution when they wanted chastity, that you be looking for the advantage of this present life.

Whoever compels them to it against their will, yet after their compulsion, God will be of them, Forgiving, Compassionate. Q When you read this in English, the plural pronouns need further explanation. That is, it is the women who will be forgiven. I realized that the God that I love is not going to allow anyone to beat anyone. So I did research. There is a disagreement about this as not everyone agrees that it says that. However, having it as an alternative understanding in the entire translation of the Quran indicates a difference of opinion.

An Indian Muslim physician-husband wanted to get custody of his four children from his Polish-convert-to-Islam wife even though he had beaten his wife. Scourge is an even stronger punishment than beat! Then, the wife took the stand. The judge then realized that there is a difference of opinion in regard to and was then able to decide for the wife.

He gave her custody of the children. It was published in However, it is important to recognize that we receive spiritual reward by listening to the Arabic recitation of the Quran, whether we are able to recite it correctly ourselves or not, and not from reading a translation. Translation does not give you that but it gives you meaning which is also very important.

Twenty-four of the books are focused on the 23 years and some months of the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet. Four other volumes are the verses about the other prophets. Each lesson begins with a critical thinking element.

One-sixth of the Quran, over 1, verses, are questions: Will you not be reasonable? Will you not wake up? So when the Quran itself is teaching me to be a critical thinker, so this has a beautiful message in it that I need to understand. Books entitled Book Year 1 to Book Year 24 consist of one book for each year of the revelation to the death of the Prophet.

The last, Book 30 has been prepared for the teachers Lesson Plans. They are being taught in five states in America in Sunday schools to teach Muslim students about the Quran because they are learning both critical thinking and the Quran.

I was not giving the full message of his life and why God had chosen him for the revelation. Miracle-working, no matter how spectacular, cannot guarantee the Sufi a 'favorite outcome' in the afterlife, for it may be but a ruse on the part of God who wants to test the moral integrity of his servant.

In the Epistle these and many other Sufi motifs are illustrated by the anecdotes and parables that show al-Qushayri's fellow Sufis in a wide variety of contexts: suffering from hunger and thirst in the desert, while performing pilgrimage to Mecca, participating in 'spiritual concerts', reciting the Qur'an, waging war against the 'infidel' enemy and their own desires, earning their livelihood, meditating in a retreat, praying, working miracles, interacting with the 'people of the market-place', their family members and peers, dreaming, and dying.

Sufi women of America : angels in the making by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 3 editions published in in English and held by 76 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. The sublime Quran by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 10 editions published between and in English and Arabic and held by 73 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Shariati on Shariati and the Muslim woman : who was Ali Shariati? Moral healing through the most beautiful names : the practice of spiritual chivalry by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 2 editions published in in English and held by 36 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Moral healer's handbook : the psychology of spiritual chivalry by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 2 editions published in in English and held by 32 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. The sublime Qur'an english translation Book 8 editions published between and in English and held by 29 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Traditional psychoethics and personality paradigm by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 3 editions published in in English and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Sufi Ausdrucksformen myst. Suche by Laleh Bakhtiar Book 1 edition published in in German and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Fully color illustrated with a page, word index of the healing properties of each of the entries, the text itself is an alphabetical listing of the natural pharmaceuticals of the simple compounds. By simple compounds, Avicenna includes the individual plants, herbs, animals and minerals that have healing properties. Avicenna lists tested natural pharmaceuticals including plant, animal and mineral substances.

The compiler has included the Latin, Persian and Arabic names of the drugs along with artistic renderings of the drugs as illustrations as well as Avicenna's Tables or Grid for each entry that describes the individual, specific qualities of simple drugs. Audience Level.


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