Register Now You need to be registered to access all features and be part of the community. Create an account. Register Now Come back later Sorry, subscriptions are temporary closed. Lost Password Lost your password? Contact About Login Area. How to get abyssal dye in diablo 3? Asked by Dirty Richard Report in progress Leave a reply to Dirty Richard : get abyssal dye in diablo 3.
Answers Long George. Dyes seem to be found per difficulty level, and are random within the the game as to what colors you find with what merchants. Each difficulty level will have new dye colors in addition to the dyes from the difficulty levels below it. The only exception seems to be the Act I dye merchant in New Tristan.
He doesn't seem to live by the same rules than the other Dye merchants do, although I haven't quite figured out what his rules are. I can't remember which, but do remember being disappointed that he didn't have new colors, and know I spent quite a bit of time in Act I and checked his colors many times. Inferno : Had two new colors the first time I saw him, so perhaps I just had bad luck in Hell? Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Where can I find specific dye colors? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 6 months ago.
Active 1 year, 2 months ago. Viewed 62k times. So I'm thinking that specific merchants or perhaps all merchants in a specific Act or Difficulty only sell specific dye colors correct me if I'm wrong here in a comment, and I'll update Can someone provide me with a list of where I can find each color of Dye? Improve this question. Rachel Rachel 7, 21 21 gold badges 55 55 silver badges bronze badges.
MouseWarrior posted The dyes show up on Torment difficulties and can be obtained from any act. The merchant s won't always stock the dye you're after, so return to the menu and try again. User Info: Toadwartt. I find the abysmal and purity on the merchant in act 4 the guy in the upper left corner.
Just reload until he has it. I usually find purity quite often but abysmal might take a couple loads. Asking Joe Biden for help is like asking Ted Bundy for a ride home. More topics from this board Anyone still playing this? Wanna find someone to play with. Why does the game keep telling me, Problem joining the game?
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