And sometimes the anxiety from staying awake can disrupt your sleep even more. In some cases what you eat for dinner might aggravate a painful tooth. Food that is very hot, cold, sugary, acidic or starchy can quickly make an underlying toothache issue worse.
Sometimes toothache gets worse when you lie down because blood rushes to your head, which then puts extra pressure on the already sensitive areas in your mouth. Treating a toothache at home usually involves pain management. Salt water rinses are one of the first ways your doctor may recommend you treat a toothache at home. Rinse with this solution times daily to reduce inflammation and contract the tissues.
This rinse is especially effective with gum pain and foreign body response to something like a poppy seed stuck in between the gums. Clove is an essential oil that may provide pain relief as strong as benzocaine Orajel.
Although eugenol occurs in nature, synthetic versions carry some safety concerns. Clove oil also has antibacterial properties, which means it can kill beneficial bacteria in the mouth and cause an imbalance in the oral microbiome.
For this reason, it is not recommended using this remedy for more than a couple of days. To use clove oil to treat a toothache, apply a very small amount to a cotton swab or piece of tissue and apply gently to the affected area. This works well if there is an exposed nerve due to a deep cavity. Specific placement of the clove oil is crucial for success—it will only work if you place the oil near the pulpal tissue the inner substance of the tooth.
Keeping your head elevated at all times can reduce the excess blood flow to the inflamed tooth that can make swelling increase and pain feel worse. It sounds overly simplistic, but this small change can make a huge difference in tooth pain. For sleeping, stay elevated with a wedge-shaped pillow or by stacking several standard pillows. Hi, my name is Dr Warren Antonoff. Will toothache go away? And what happens if you ignore your toothache?
Some toothaches are not serious and they will go away by itself and you might not get any issues. But they are rare and few and far between. Most of the time, a toothache is a serious problem and needs attention.
And if you leave it unattended, the infection will get worse and will lead to bigger problems and more expensive treatments. Something that would have cost you a few hundreds of dollars to fix in the first place, is now a few thousand dollars more expensive.
So even if your toothache goes away by itself, goto your dentist and get it checked out. I hope this video is useful to you. As the decay progresses, it eventually damages the nerve to the point where it stops sending pain signals to the brain, which would explain why your toothache appeared to have gone away.
In fact, the infection may be more powerful than ever. The infection may eventually spread to other teeth, your gums, and even your jawbone, which will only result in even more pain in the future. More often than not, the most effective way to treat a severe toothache or a tooth that has gone numb is with root canal therapy. Additionally, most patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure, thanks to local anesthetic and sedation dentistry if needed.
Do not go to your GP as they will not be able to give you dental treatment. Read more about NHS dental charges. The best way to prevent toothache is to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.