The CDC warns that these pain relief drugs can be harmful to your growing baby, especially if taken during the first trimester. Many women may take acetaminophen Tylenol during pregnancy. However, some studies suggest there may be effects from taking acetaminophen as well.
Your doctor can recommend alternative medications to treat headache during pregnancy and natural headache remedies, such as:. See your doctor if you have any headache pain at all during pregnancy. Get urgent medical attention if you have:. Your doctor may recommend tests and scans to find out the cause of your headaches. These include:.
Headache pain during pregnancy is common. You may have tension headaches during your first trimester of pregnancy. Headache pain may happen in the second and third period of your pregnancy for other reasons. Some causes of headaches in your mid to late pregnancy may be serious. High blood pressure is a serious cause of headache pain during pregnancy. You can have high blood pressure at any time in your pregnancy. You may not have any symptoms at all. Check your blood pressure at least once a day with a home monitor.
Tell your doctor if you have headaches at any time in your pregnancy. Let your doctor know right away if you have a personal or family history of migraine, high blood pressure, seizures or diabetes.
You should also stay away from secondhand smoke. Try to eat well and drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are prone to morning sickness. Reduce your stress level. Try a massage or cold pack to help with tension headaches.
If your headache is a migraine, rest in a cool, dark room with no noise, and try using warm or cold compresses or an ice pack. There is good news, however. Most women have fewer headaches during pregnancy, especially after the first trimester.
And those with a history of migraines often find there is improvement during pregnancy. Continue Reading Below.
Read This Next. Fatigue During Pregnancy. Stuffy Nose and Nosebleeds During Pregnancy. Migraines During Pregnancy. Weirdest Pregnancy Symptoms. View Sources. Mayo Clinic, Headache , June Mayo Clinic, Cluster Headache , June Mayo Clinic, Sinus Headaches , April Cleveland Clinic, Headaches , June Your Health. Those who also suffer with nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy can become dehydrated. This can also bring on a headache.
Migraine headaches are a common type of headache in pregnancy. These painful, throbbing headaches are usually felt on one side of the head and result from expansion of the blood vessels in the brain.
The misery is sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.