What makes stainless steel corrosion resistant

Already a subscriber? Sign in. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. See Subscription Options. Discover World-Changing Science. Metallurgical engineer Michael L. Adequate oxygen availability can help to reduce the rate of pitting corrosion or halt it entirely depending on the cause. Steels with molybdenum also have an increased ability to both resist pitting and slow its progress.

Other considerations include pH, chloride concentration and temperature of the environment in which the steel is used.

While typically found near or within the gap between two metals, crevice corrosion can also occur between metallic and non-metallic surfaces. Welding, ensuring proper drainage and using proper gaskets can also help to prevent crevice corrosion as these all help to decrease access to crevices or eliminate them altogether.

Also known as intergranular corrosion, this corrosion results from heating stainless steel to a specific temperature range—often between C and C. This causes chromium to precipitate from the stainless steel and reduces the ability for the passivation layer to regenerate.

Using low carbon steels—such as L and L —when welding can help to reduce the impact of weld decay. Additives such as titanium or niobium can further stabilize the steel and reduce precipitation while welding. In all cases, using a post-weld heat treatment is recommended to minimize corrosion. Keeping stainless steel looking and performing great is all about protecting the chromium layer that gives it stainless properties.

This also improves safety by ensuring that your stainless steel structures, containers and equipment stay structurally sound for as long as possible. By considering the environment in which your stainless steel is used—and matching the grade to your intended application—you can optimize corrosion resistance and ensure long-lasting results for your investment. Though this guide offers a good starting point on different corrosion types and prevention measures, consulting with a professional is always recommended to ensure an ideal product fit and safety.

Unified Alloys offers more than 40 years of expertise serving some of the biggest industries in Canada and North America. Have a question about stainless steel corrosion or applications? How to Control Corrosion by Improving Design. Why is Stainless Steel Corrosion Resistant? An Introduction to Hydrogen Embrittlement. An Intro to Pipeline Corrosion in Seawater. Follow Connect with us. Sign up. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! Connect with us. By Michael Pfeifer Published: November 8, Key Takeaways.

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Heat resistant steel applications Heating systems, resistor jackets, furnace equipment. Applications Asphalt tankers, tubes, food containers, silos, conveyor chains, safety soles, etc. Ferritics or series: the KARA ferritic offer 0.

Commonly used internally, these grades are now being developed for envelope and structural products. As a result, prices are more stable over time, giving KARA a strong argument in the construction sector where project cost and economic design are key elements.

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