What kind of dad will he be

A mix-tape of his own making. A football anthem. Think about it for a moment, before making a reasoned response. Say something back right away. Let it go - it's not worth getting upset over. Who's more likely to cook dinner out of the two of you? We take it in turns. And who's most likely to do the dishes afterwards? What's he most likely to sneak into the shopping trolley during the supermarket run?

Something he knows I'll like. Smoothie ingredients. A new videogame. He would never! A new gadget. Which word best describes your partner?

Which Disney man does your man remind you of the most? Eric - The Little Mermaid. Kristoff - Frozen. Give a stern warning that no one really takes seriously.

Ground them. Your kid gets bullied you: Beat up the bully. Tell your kid to stop being a nerd. Give your kid boxing lessons. Your go-to dad accessory is? Socks and sandals. Hawaiian shirt. Is he interested in your opinion or he makes big decisions all the time without consulting you? Make sure you check all of these out first. Mutual respect is necessary for a romantic relationship to blossom but even more so when you become parents.

Yes, even their own. A little jealousy when you choose to hang out with your friends over him may be fair. Emotional involvement makes all the difference in the parenting style of nowadays.

Studies suggest that babies who are fortunate enough to have emotionally engaged dads develop better mentally and are less likely to have behavioral issues later on. These and more are what your children stand to gain if he can get in touch with his soft side.

Also, kids bond better with their parents when they feel heard and understood by them, and it starts with how you communicate with them. Do they have great hair or a long line of talents in his family? Are his sisters super-intelligent? Does he have a perfect jawline or other physical features that make you wonder if he was built in a lab? How about their family health, do they have any history of mental illness or terminal diseases? This physical aspect may seem vain, but these are all essential things to look out for as they can give your babies a much-needed edge in life when they grow up.

Some believe that you may never know what a person will be like as a parent until they become one. Some men seem to be hopeless and then become best friends with their little ones when they arrive.

On the other hand, some seem to be full of potential but end up backing out when the stress of parenting gets to them. Treating his parents, other kids, helpless people, and little animals well are also all great signs.

Good dads are able to balance being playful and warm with their kids with tough love. They understand that their commitment is lifelong, and they do their best to stay true to all of it. If you notice the following signs, he is a bad dad: he provides money but neglects his other fatherly duties. He disrespects their mom in front of the kids. He abuses the kids or their mom or sets terrible examples.

A good father is patient and kind and fun. He looks forward to spending time with his children without being forced. He loves his family enough to make sacrifices to keep them happy even if a lot of his efforts go unnoticed by them. He provides and protects and lives a life worth emulating. Parents are not supposed to gaslight their kids, but some inadvertently find themselves doing it anyway in a bid to maintain control over them. Remember though, that all these can only help you predict how good he will be with a kid, and not to say for sure.

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Credit: Zohar Lazar. Chances are, the dad-to-be in your life falls into one of these five categories. So take a break from obsessing about childcare and strollers to find the dad style that best describes your guy. Start Slideshow. The Hipster. Type A. Pros: Your child will never get a sunburn on his watch. The Fretful One. Pros: It's nice to know he's paying attention. Clueless Wonder. Pros: You get to make all of the decisions. Originally published in the June issue of American Baby magazine.

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