Qualification is an exceptional skill of the crew in controlling this particular vehicle. To learn it, a certain crew level needs to be achieved. Crew level is the sum of the levels of all skills learned by the crew. In order to use these skills at their maximum level, a pilot needs to research them up to level 5 and obtain two qualifications to reach up to level For instance, a pilot who levelled the "Keen Vision" skill up to 5 will detect targets approximately 6 km away; after getting the "Expert" qualification he will then see enemy targets at 7.
The following charts should be used to gauge the amount of crew XP points needed to level up a skill. Every skill with the exception of the "Repair Rank" skill is increased by increments of 0. The maximum achievable crew level for aviation crews is 75 , for tank crews is , and for naval crews is Navigation menu Store Support Personal tools Log in.
Namespaces Page Discussion. Extends Signal Range. Extends Signal Range of allied communications within vehicle's radio coverage. Does not affect the Signal Range of your vehicle. The training level increases by gaining Combat Experience. The level of perk or skill being trained can be increased at any time.
There are several ways you can accelerate perk or skill training:. To accelerate perk or skill training for Free Experience:. Crew Books allow you to speed up training of one or all crew members by adding a certain amount of Crew XP. Crew Books differ by type and value. There are five types of Crew Books that differ in their acquisition method and conditions of use.
Applied to the whole crew. When studied, the book provides each crew member with 20, experience. Acquisition method: can be obtained from rewards received for completed Daily Missions and participating in different game events. When studied, the book provides each crew member with , experience. Acquisition method: can be purchased for 2,, Applied to the selected crew member. When studied, the book provides this crew member with , experience.
Acquisition method: can be obtained from rewards received for completed Daily Missions. Please note that received and purchased Crew Books will be stored in a special section in your Depot. Share on social networks. Art Videos Soundtrack. Create account. Failed to log in. General Wargaming. I Centurion Mk. Effective major qualification mastery is determined by two factors: Qualification level.
The level of major qualification of a tanker. Vehicle control mastery. Crew members can use their skills to the fullest only on the vehicle for which they are currently trained, or on Premium vehicles of the same type and nation. Major Qualification Training When recruiting a crew member, you can choose one of three major qualification levels: Rapid Courses. This training level is set by default when recruiting a crew member.
Regimental School. Tank Academy. To accelerate crew training on Elite vehicles: Select the vehicle in the Garage. Check the Accelerate Crew Training box above the crew members panel in the top left corner of your Garage. After activating this option, all Combat Experience earned on this vehicle from now on will be spent on tanker training. The experience already gained on this vehicle is not removed.
The effects of perks and skills differ: Skills come into effect after training starts. This effect increases with skill level. To train the next perk or skill, a tanker needs twice as much experience as for the previous one. To accelerate perk or skill training for Free Experience: Select the vehicle in the Garage and the tanker whose level you want to increase.
Select Personal File in the menu. In the Skills section, click Increase. Choose the training level in the Training for Free Experience window and click Exchange. For , you can reset the skills and perks of crew members so they can be rearranged. Crew Books Crew Books allow you to speed up training of one or all crew members by adding a certain amount of Crew XP.
Conditions of use: Applied to the crew in vehicles of the corresponding nation. This Skill extends Signal Range of allied communications within vehicle's radio coverage. This Perk enables a Radio Operator who survived the destruction of his vehicle to report enemy positions for another two seconds. If two Radio Operators have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. Please note that if two Crew members with the same qualification have a Perk or Skill , then the highest researched of the two is the only one that is effective.
Thus, if you have 2 loaders or radio operators it is better to train different Skills or Perks besides Repair, Camouflage, Firefighting and Brother-in-Arms. Share on social networks. Video Screenshots Art Renders Soundtrack. Create account. Failed to log in. General Wargaming. M On Track For Oct. M On Track For Jul.
Recommended for: All, except artillery Relaying - Skill This Skill extends Signal Range of allied communications within vehicle's radio coverage. Recommended for: Light tanks Please note that if two Crew members with the same qualification have a Perk or Skill , then the highest researched of the two is the only one that is effective. Share on social networks Facebook Twitter. Full List of Crew Skills and Perks.
On Track Missions. Join the community More than ,, players. Join us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter , subscribers. Watch us on YouTube , subscribers. Select a region. North and South America: English. Asia: English. Repair This Skill accelerates repairs to damaged modules. Camouflage This Skill reduces vehicle visibility Recommended for: All tanks.
Firefighting This Skill enhances firefighting abilities.